•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

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  1. calrisle Scrutineer

    I think Edition 7 is going to present some great opportunities for practical and exciting renewal!

    Stockholm is completely right, it's a shame to see something fun go through the shredder like this, so let's sort out Edition 6, have a laugh, and look forward with open hearts to the next contest!

    I'm really looking forward to the results of Edition 6, and I can't wait to ditch the negative groove and get back on the right track!
  2. Marko FOR LIFE New Member

    Hehe!! Excatly!! ;)
  3. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    I approve of this message.
  4. Almila i am what i am

    haha im doin all this to make u marry me :D
  5. Aaron N Moof master

    omg yay!!! *moves to turkey*
  6. Amen Mina, amen.

    And Chris, EVERYBODY has heard your song before unless they've been stuck in a cave for the past 10 years, get a grip woman.
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