•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Withdrawal threat

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  1. calrisle Scrutineer

    And how dare you have such slapdash spelling? I had no option but to correct your sloppy keyboard-mashing antics. ;)
  2. Kevin New Member

    firstly - the contest is run by and for members of escchat.com - not escchat,com itself.
    and secondly - aaron asked me to do the graphics and technological sides (like the website of the contest for him) ;)
  3. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    I quite frankly think a lot must change relating to the administration and running of the contest for the next one if it is still to be associated with escchat.com.
  4. Estêvão Did you ever know that you're (JW) my hero

    Good Idea...

    I think if the contest were centrally run as a portal by escchat.com, that would take a lot of pressure off the host, who could focus on just graphics. Excellent idea Jw!
  5. Kevin New Member

    but that defeats the whole object of the contest :S

    If Mark has been rejected from the contest by Jw, I propose that ALL VOTES MUST BE RE-CAST. It is unfair that Ishtaristan is using up points when they won't be allowed to win.
  7. Estêvão Did you ever know that you're (JW) my hero

    it IS a good idea...

    So far, every host has kept the same basic rules. But that's not to say someone in the future can add a rule saying "I've got 3 friends that cba to make accounts here, but here are their songs and countries..."

    This contest is something those of us on this site take pride in, and something that can help bring more visitors to the site. This is something that should be fun for everyone.
  8. Kevin New Member

    Firstly, this contest is almost over, so no one will get disqualified (unless they don't vote, which will be up to aaron)
    secondly, this is aaron's contest - so it is up to him to decide
    thirdly, Ishtaristan is allowed to win, as they are in the contest
    fourthly, as of yet, JW has nothing to do with this contest (no offence to JW), he is neither in charge, nor participating.
  9. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    The rules say members must be part of escChat, but Mark isn't a member. So why are you breaking rules by letting him still participate? This is exactly why I agree with Este.
  10. Kevin New Member

    First of all, at the time of entering, Mark was a member.
    Secondly, you are not hosting, nor participating, so it has nothing to do with you
    Thirdly, the rules are to stop people from outside of the chat who we don't know very well from entering
    Fourthly, Mark was one of the most popular peopel in her before - and we all remember him
    Fifthly, the rules say that "Anybody can enter, provided you have been a member of escChat." - Mark was a member, and so is allowed
    Sixthly, it is up to Aaron to decide - as he is the host.

    I also would like to know why i am being ganged up against :S
  11. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    I can quite easily revoke any permission to use escChat for your hosting of contests if you continue with that attitude, young man.

    Learn some respect. And learn that the general majority here don't want Mark in the contest. Thus he will not participate in any future contests if the contest will continue to be associated with escChat. It is undermining the site to allow a banned (and removed) member to continue participating in a contest under the escChat name.
  12. Stewart SOD ME HARD AND FAST

    CLEARLY Kevin should get a grip and realise that he is trying to control the bloody CREATOR OF THIS SITE. rofl rofl rofl
  13. Kevin New Member

    he may be the creator of the site, but he is not the creator of the contest
  14. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    Neither are you.
  15. Aaron N Moof master

    I honestly can’t believe some people on here, after coming home from what has been the worst day since I’ve been working I come back to see people bitching and moaning *again* about the contest, I allowed mark in cos at the time he was still a member so he was by the rules allowed.

    Secondly, as Kevin said this contest is nearly over, I’m waiting for about 3 lots of votes and tbh I can’t see them changing anything with the scoring, and if we re-vote then we have to waste more time, which a lot of people don’t have as they are going away at the end of the week.

    Thirdly, I know now mark isn’t a member any more so he won’t be able to enter in future, I accept that. But I thought at least we could let this be his last contest and let him go out on a high.

    Fourthly, to Chris I am sorry about the whole video thing, please don’t hate me :P Oldham esc mob ftw!!

    And finally thank you Kevin for sticking up for me while I wasn’t here, you have help this old computer retarded person a lot :P lmao and Almila if I was in turkey right now I would be marrying you :D

    And with regards to the ideas that have been posted here I accept and agree with. But after this I’m seriously going to think if I should continue entering in this contest…..
  16. Estêvão Did you ever know that you're (JW) my hero

    Don't leave Aaron

    There has been a lot of comments said recently, but I would like to state I don't want Aaron leaving the contest. He's had some very good songs recently, and I did give him high points in the last contest.

    And Aaron, I'm sorry to hear you had a bad day today. :(
  17. Marko FOR LIFE New Member

  18. Marko FOR LIFE New Member

    Aaron BRAVO for comment, I agree everything, especialy about Mark! Please let him stay in 6th edition! :(
  19. I'm sad to see that our fun song contest has ended up this way :S

    There were two videos which were not available in my country but I found similar ones on youtube and the problem was solved ;) Nor could I watch the recap but for me the recap isn't important. I prefer to listen to the songs in full :P

    And I want to say thanks to everyone who's been organizing the contests so far. They've done a great job :D
  20. Arben The Flag Lover

    u guys have problems...

    i wish i had to bother about such things in my life :rolleyes:
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