•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

T4/#101 Start Time Debate

  1. Ronini SHIT Taste Central

    Hi, all!
    It has been democratically decided that the results show of T4 and subsequent reveal of #101's songs shall begin at 8pm British Summer Time. Please be there on time, which according to the above should be possible for everyone.

    There also will be a pre-show starting from 7pm BST for those arriving earlier.
    I'm looking forward to seeing you then. Woe betide anyone who doesn't turn up.

    adamacs Anaconda CTP Curtis dan DenDutch Genesis2703 Güneç Gülün James jaylouise123 Julio jw Luis DLC Merjan Mina mrvirgo Nessie ollie2283 Ronini Rua sokrates1988 Stockholm calling Teodor Wiggles
    Anaconda likes this.

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