•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

promote your song

  1. Aaron N Moof master

    my song i stumbled upon by complete chance and completely fell in love with, its an emotive ballad, sung by an amazing singer :D (who i didn't know could sing until i heard it :o) and the lyrics are just sooo lovely and they really do hit home, well for me anyway lmao :P

    good luck to everyone and i hope you like my song :D
  2. Arben The Flag Lover

    Big surprise: my song is sung in montenegrin :D

    Its from 2009! and my absolute Summer dancefloor hit, for this year...

    The lyrics are about a boy who first was so desperate about the split up with his ex, but know he realizes that everyday theres a new girl to "heal" him...
    So this song is for every single enjoying it :D

    Just GREAT dancefloor music...while writing i just HAVE to listen to it again :P
  3. Eurovizz Member

    Is it possible to reveal the songs tonight instead?
  4. MILKshake  

    i like eurovizz's idea it would be nice to reveal our songs tonight :)
  5. Kevin New Member

    My song is by the winner of our version of X factor: The Þiðbandið Factor
    This is a different approach, as this time, it was chosen by a different TV network.

    The song is a nice, meaningful ballad, and the singers are not from the UK.
    We hope that our song can Unite everyone in the contest
  6. c1ask0 Napkin of death holder

    If the songs are revealed tonight then I can vote before I go on holiday!!! :D

    Please reveal the songs tonight. :D
  7. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    I also think the songs should be revealed tonight :) Cos if its revealed in the evening then there'll probs be people in the chat so we get to see everybodys reactions muhahaha lol :D
  8. Eurovizz Member

    ..and I'll get to know if I'm picked for the oral exam or not tomorrow, and If I am then I'll be very busy
  9. Patte Member


    ROFL ROFL what Oral exams ? xD

    I will but i need Estes Video clip first :P So when i get it i can realse the sogns but obv i will release them today because neiterless it will be a problem with Chris :)
  10. Eurovizz Member

    When will Kotsios finish his lunch, he's been eating for many hours now and I need my flaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag
  11. kotsios Call me Kots. Potter Kots

    ooops!!!!!! really sorry chelsea!!!! i wasn't at home!! but now that i got home i sent it!!
  12. Almila i am what i am

    itll be great if patte releases the songs tonite caus ill leave the city tomorrow n will be bak on sat.dunno will i be able to come online there but this way i can hearem.n start swimmin n gettin tan season unlike some snow whites lol
  13. Patte Member


    I want to release the songs now, But since estevao havent send his video to me i cant release them :( xD
  14. Almila i am what i am

    *hunts estevao down*lol

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