she represented Finland twice in ESC, once in 79 (translated as I'm looking at the Blue Sky) and in 93 (translated as come to me) she recently is part of a Finnish song where she sang the song ''Vanha Nainnen Huningolla'' (old woman out of control)
What song am I? It was the song that would have been a huge hit in portugal and spain in 1494, if it already existed.
This is of course a reference to the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494, when Spain and Portugal decided to split the world between them, which is why half the world today is Spanish and half is Portuguese. Esplêndido! Now, there are two close rival songs, very close. The messages in the two songs were somewhat contrary to each other, almost opposites.
Not quite. These two were bigger rivals than that. The performer of one of them is reputed to have loose lips.