•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

ESC 2013 The Game Is Back!

  1. trisssy1 Member

  2. sokrates1988 I HATE EUROVISION

  3. adamacs RUTH DAVIDSON FOR PM.

  4. Genesis2703 Pointless

  5. Julio STRANGLES


    3rd with 12 votes

    :dk: Emmelie de Forest - Only Teardrops :dk:

  6. Julio STRANGLES

    The Final
    Round 25

    01 - :it: Italy - Marco Mengoni - L'essenziale
    02 - :uk: United Kingdom - Bonnie Tyler - Believe In Me


    03 - :dk: Denmark - Emmelie de Forest - Only Teardrops
    04 - :de: Germany - Cascada - Glorious
    05 - :sm: San Marino - Valentina Monetta - Crisalide (Vola)
    06 - :ru: Russia - Dina Garipova - What If
    07 - :ua: Ukraine - Zlata Ognevich - Gravity
    08 - :no: Norway - Margaret Berger - I Feed You My Love
    09 - :nl: Holland - Anouk - Birds
    10 - :ge: Georgia - Nodi & Sophie - Waterfall
    11 - :ch: Switzerland - Takasa - You And Me
    12 - :il: Israel - Moran Mazor - Rak Bishvilo
    13 - :is: Iceland - Eythor Ingi - Ég Á Líf
    14 - :se: Sweden - Robin Stjernberg - You
    15 - :es: Spain - ESDM - Contigo Hasta El Final
    16 - :fr: France - Amandine Bouregois - L'Enfer Et Moi
    17 - :md: Moldova - Aliona Moon - O Mie
    18 - :ee: Estonia - Birgit - Et Uus Saaks Alguse
    19 - :az: Azerbaijan - Farid Mammadov - Hold Me
    20 - :cy: Cyprus - Despina Olympiou - An Me Thimasai
    21 - :by: Belarus - Alyona Lanskaya - Solayoh
    22 - :rs: Serbia - Moje 3 - Ljubav Je Svuda
    23 - :ie: Ireland - Ryan Dolan - Only Love Survives
    24 - :fi: Finland - Krista Siegfrids - Marry Me
    25 - :hu: Hungary - ByeAlex - Kedvesem
    26 - :mt: Malta - Gianluca - Tomorrow

    Now that we reached the top 2 DO NOT VOTE HERE, send me a message with the country you wish to WIN. Any vote posted in here will be deleted and not taking in consideration.
  7. Julio STRANGLES

    Voting is now closed, 23 people voted and the results will be revealed tonight along with the name of the persons who voted each song so you know it was a fair result.
    NickEmpel and Marc like this.
  8. Mina Member with a "past"

    Oh, I didn't vote in this, I thought I could tonight:oops:
  9. Julio STRANGLES


    2nd with 11 votes to win
    (alvaro, marv3009, giovanni13, teo, wiggles, adam, james, marc, natsu91, genesis2703, jw)

    :it: Marco Mengoni - L'essenziale :it:

  10. Julio STRANGLES


    Winner with 12 votes to win
    (julio, m o randana, ctp, seoirse96, silentprayer, sok, nick, berk, gian, trissy1, anette, sissel)

    :uk: United Kingdom - Bonnie Tyler - Believe In Me :uk:

  11. Julio STRANGLES


    01 - :uk: United Kingdom - Bonnie Tyler - Believe In Me
    02 - :it: Italy - Marco Mengoni - L'essenziale
    03 - :dk: Denmark - Emmelie de Forest - Only Teardrops
    04 - :de: Germany - Cascada - Glorious
    05 - :sm: San Marino - Valentina Monetta - Crisalide (Vola)
    06 - :ru: Russia - Dina Garipova - What If
    07 - :ua: Ukraine - Zlata Ognevich - Gravity
    08 - :no: Norway - Margaret Berger - I Feed You My Love
    09 - :nl: Holland - Anouk - Birds
    10 - :ge: Georgia - Nodi & Sophie - Waterfall
    11 - :ch: Switzerland - Takasa - You And Me
    12 - :il: Israel - Moran Mazor - Rak Bishvilo
    13 - :is: Iceland - Eythor Ingi - Ég Á Líf
    14 - :se: Sweden - Robin Stjernberg - You
    15 - :es: Spain - ESDM - Contigo Hasta El Final
    16 - :fr: France - Amandine Bouregois - L'Enfer Et Moi
    17 - :md: Moldova - Aliona Moon - O Mie
    18 - :ee: Estonia - Birgit - Et Uus Saaks Alguse
    19 - :az: Azerbaijan - Farid Mammadov - Hold Me
    20 - :cy: Cyprus - Despina Olympiou - An Me Thimasai
    21 - :by: Belarus - Alyona Lanskaya - Solayoh
    22 - :rs: Serbia - Moje 3 - Ljubav Je Svuda
    23 - :ie: Ireland - Ryan Dolan - Only Love Survives
    24 - :fi: Finland - Krista Siegfrids - Marry Me
    25 - :hu: Hungary - ByeAlex - Kedvesem
    26 - :mt: Malta - Gianluca - Tomorrow
    marv3009 likes this.
  12. marv3009 MJR.

    I didn't know the UK has so many lovers.
    I placed the UK in my top around place number 20.
    But I have to congratulate the UK and Italy has got a deserved 2nd place :D
  13. Seoirse96 New Member

    The UK song is my number 3 and Italy my number 5 so I am HAPPY :D

    I doubt the UK will be top 5 on the night (or even top 10) but still! Yay
  14. Giovanni13 Member

    That's what I call a close race. Both Italy and UK have great songs so I'm not surprised. I'm just happy that we had the two Italian songs in the top 5 :)

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