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Big Brother 2011 ll SEMI FINAL 2

  1. DJ Balkan Ramadanske♥


    BIG BROTHER 2011


    9th Round

    The Songs:

    1. :ba: Bosnia & Herzegovina - Dino Merlin - Love In Rewind
    2. :at: Austria - Nadine Beiler - The Secret Is Love
    3. :nl: Holland - 3Js - Never Alone
    8. :se: Sweden - Eric Saade - Popular
    12. :il: Israel - Dana International - Ding Dong
    13. :si: Slovenia - No One - Maja Keuc
    14. :ro: Romania - Hotel FM - Change
    15. :ee: Estonia - Getter Jaani - Rockefeller Street
    17. :lv: Latvia - Musiqq - Angel In Disguise
    18. :dk: Denmark - A Friend In London - New Tomorrow
    19. :ie: Ireland - Jedward - Lipstick

    12. :sk: Slovakia - TWiiNS - I'm Still Alive
    13. :by: Belarus - Anastasiya Vinnikova - I Love Belarus
    14. :cy: Cyprus - Christos Mylordos - San angelos s'agapisa
    15. :bg: Bulgaria - Poly Genova - Na inat
    16. :be: Belgium - Witloof Bay - With Love Baby
    17. :md: Moldova - Zdob şi Zdub - So Lucky
    18. :ua: Ukraine - Mika Newton - Angel
    19. :mk: FYR Macedonia - Vlatko Ilievski - Rusinka

    In BIG BROTHER you vote for the 2 WORST songs. Cast your votes in this thread.

    You CAN vote for your own country

    Voting will remain open for a minimum of 24 hours for each round.

    May the best song win!

    Votes will be counted by Me (DJ BALKAN)
  2. DJ Balkan Ramadanske♥

  3. MORKMINDY Weird Person :D

    :ie: <-- Need.To.Go & :ee:
  4. Julio STRANGLES

  5. Mina Member with a "past"

    :il: and :at:
    Julio likes this.
  6. Lilly.. Y U NO ALIEN?

    Ireland & ISRAEL - for gods sake , I've been voting this for ages it seriously needs to go now!!
  7. Liam Esterran.

  8. BzyK Member


  10. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    :il: :ie:
    Julio likes this.
  11. Slovenia and Austria
  12. DJ Balkan Ramadanske♥

  13. Luis DLC I spread Eurovision joy in the US, oy

  14. DJ Balkan Ramadanske♥

  15. DJ Balkan Ramadanske♥



    Welcome to Big Brother! I'm your host Nadia! Live on escchat!, please do not swear! For the past day, the audience has been voting and the song with the highest number of votes will be evicted.

    With 6 votes, the last country to be eliminated in Big Brother Semi Final 2 is...

    :ie: Ireland - Jedward - Lipstick :ie:
  16. DJ Balkan Ramadanske♥


    BIG BROTHER 2011



    The Songs that passed:

    1. :ba: Bosnia & Herzegovina - Dino Merlin - Love In Rewind
    2. :at: Austria - Nadine Beiler - The Secret Is Love
    3. :nl: Holland - 3Js - Never Alone
    8. :se: Sweden - Eric Saade - Popular
    12. :il: Israel - Dana International - Ding Dong
    13. :si: Slovenia - No One - Maja Keuc
    14. :ro: Romania - Hotel FM - Change
    15. :ee: Estonia - Getter Jaani - Rockefeller Street
    17. :lv: Latvia - Musiqq - Angel In Disguise
    18. :dk: Denmark - A Friend In London - New Tomorrow

    Failed to pass
    11. :ie: Ireland - Jedward - Lipstick
    12. :sk: Slovakia - TWiiNS - I'm Still Alive
    13. :by: Belarus - Anastasiya Vinnikova - I Love Belarus
    14. :cy: Cyprus - Christos Mylordos - San angelos s'agapisa
    15. :bg: Bulgaria - Poly Genova - Na inat
    16. :be: Belgium - Witloof Bay - With Love Baby
    17. :md: Moldova - Zdob şi Zdub - So Lucky
    18. :ua: Ukraine - Mika Newton - Angel
    19. :mk: FYR Macedonia - Vlatko Ilievski - Rusinka
  17. yyosyyos New Member

  18. NickEmpel BURGER AND FRIES

  19. DJ Balkan Ramadanske♥

    No Guys... the results have been posted, as those top 10 songs go to the final lol!

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