•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Big Brother 2011 II FINAL

  1. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    :ee: :az:

    Although by my counting, Azerbaijan and Denmark were tied with 10 votes each last time, so I don't know why there wasn't a tie break round.
  2. Julio STRANGLES

  3. BzyK Member

  4. Mina Member with a "past"

  5. trisssy1 Member

    azerbaijan:az: and estonia:ee:
  6. Erixi Member

    Estonia & United Kingdom
  7. Lilly.. Y U NO ALIEN?

    This is so hard , Estonia & UK are both my favorites to win , and unfortunately I have to pick one of them so..

    Azerbaijan (no discussion ) & ......... UK:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(
  8. Estonia :ee: and Azerbaijan :az:
  9. adamacs RUTH DAVIDSON FOR PM.

  10. Djordje New Member

  11. DJ Balkan Ramadanske♥

  12. DJ Balkan Ramadanske♥



    Welcome to Big Brother! I'm your host Nadia! Live on Escchat!, please do not swear! For the past day, the audience has been voting and the song with the highest number of votes will be evicted.

    With 12 votes, the twenty-fourth country to be eliminated in Big Brother Final is...

    :az: Azerbaijan - Ell & Nikki - Running scared :az:
  13. DJ Balkan Ramadanske♥


    BIG BROTHER 2011


    FINAL Round

    The Songs:

    14. :uk: United Kingdom - Blue - I can
    17. :ee: Estonia - Getter Jaani - Rockefeller street

    03. :az: Azerbaijan - Ell & Nikki - Running scared
    04. :dk: Denmark - A Friend In London - New tomorrow
    05. :hu: Hungary - Kati Wolf - What about my dreams
    06. :pl: Poland - Magdalena Tul - Jestem
    07. :nl: Holland - 3JS - Never alone
    08. :ch: Switzerland - Anna Rossinelli - In love for a while
    09. :lv: Latvia - Musiqq - Angel in disguise
    10. :no: Norway - Stella Mwangi - Haba haba
    11. :de: Germany - Lena - Taken by a stranger
    12. :si: Slovenia - Maja Keuc - No one
    13. :fi: Finland - Paradise Oskar - Da da dam
    14. :ba: Bosnia Herzegovina - Dino Merlin - Love in rewind
    15. :se: Sweden - Eric Saade - Popular
    16. :ro: Romania - Hotel FM - Change
    17. :ru: Russia - Alex Sparrow - Get you
    18. :sm: San Marino - Senit - Stand By
    19. :tr: Turkey - Yüksek Sadakat - Live it up
    20. :es: Spain - Lucía Pérez - Que me quiten lo bailao
    21. :il: Israel - Dana International - Ding dong
    22. :fr: France - Amaury Vassili - Sognu
    23. :rs: Serbia - Nina - Čaroban
    24. :at: Austria - Nadine Beiler - The secret is love
    25. :it: Italy - Raphael Gualazzi - Madness of love

    In BIG BROTHER FINAL you vote for the song you want to WIN. Cast your votes in this thread.

    You CAN vote for your own country

    Voting will remain open for a minimum of 24 hours for each round.

    May the best song win!

    Votes will be counted by Me (DJ BALKAN)

    It's great that a lot of people are now voting! Keep it up! :)

    6pm AEST
    9am BST
    10am CEST
  14. DJ Balkan Ramadanske♥

  15. Mina Member with a "past"

    Go :uk: :up:
    n.echelon likes this.
  16. Euro_fan New Member

    Oh i want estonia to win had a mistake before

  17. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

  18. Curtis Belgium is a non country.

  19. n.echelon between heaven and hell

  20. BzyK Member


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