•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

4th Edition of the ESCChat Song Contest - Rules

  1. kotsios Call me Kots. Potter Kots

  2. Kevin New Member

    Þiðbandið has sent their entry :D
    after an Internal selection, the national broadcaster - ÞPB has sent a famous singer to represent the country for the 4th time :)
  3. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    Black Daisystan has sent an entry, and one quite different to our previous 3 at that :)
  4. Mina Member with a "past"

    San Minino has sent its song and this time in our queen's language (Greek:P).
  5. CTP Jass hater

    Støkkanslåndet has chosen its entry. It's a bit different from the norm, but I quite like it, and that's what really matters! To correspond with our entry being released (on June the 6th?) we will also be unveiling our new flag.
  6. Aaron N Moof master

    Moofistan televsion broadcaster OTVR has chosen its 4th entry, this time moofistan shall be sending a song that is not in english and with the most mooftastic video this side of Sweden :D lmao
  7. c1ask0 Napkin of death holder

    The Hatican entry this year is performed by a Russian artist.

    In other news, did you all see the wrap-up article about Jade on eurovision.tv? They took this quote from a fan: "Listening to it again, I really think that we could win the contest this year. That would be fantastic and I think that it would encourage the British to reevaluate the merit of this great contest." The fan that wrote that was none other than me! :D

    I tried to find where I wrote it, but unsuccessfully so...
  8. kotsios Call me Kots. Potter Kots

    lol chris! btw your video works just fine on my pc!
  9. Eurovizz Member

    Request for changing name

    Christiania has sent its next entry for the 4th edition ;) However,

    Christiania wants to request everybody if it's available to change name, due to that Christiania firstly sounds like a religious name, and secondly because........we don't know, just let us change

    Christiania will then be changed to Hexelbourg...........why? Because my bf's surname has a hexel in it so why not :):)

    Attached Files:

  10. Kevin New Member

    well i dunno the rules on the contest, but i will call in Hexelbourg from now on ;)
    in Þiðbandisj, the country has been changed from Kristijànland to Heksĺland ;)
  11. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    Kots did you recieve my entry!? Cos I did send it but i'm not on the list!! :o :D Just checking anywhoo :D
  12. Kevin New Member

    @jonny - what do the colours on your flag symbolise?
  13. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    Well the Orange and the Green symbolise the ... Irishness of Black Daisy :D The Black symbolises the black in black daisy, and the fact it looks suspiciously like the Belarusian flag symbolises how much we love Belarus, and the fact that half our country speaks Belarusian :D
  14. Kevin New Member

    looooool, thats a good explanation
  15. Kots, my country is just called Sheepmark in this contest, I only gave you the official name because it was an official document :D
  16. kotsios Call me Kots. Potter Kots

    haha! but i like everything to be official! and the kingdom of sheepmark sounds better than just sheepmark!
  17. The State of the Ark has sent an entry too :D

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