•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

2016 National Final Season


    :uk: Eurovision: You Decide :uk:
    1. Darline - Until Tomorrow
    2. Karl - Miracle
    3. Dulcima - When You Go
    4. Bianca - Shine A Little Light
    5. Joe & Jake - You're Not Alone
    6. Matthew James - A Better Man
  2. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    :uk: The only national final I remotely give a shit about :uk:

    1. Karl - Miracle
    2. Joe & Jake - You're Not Alone
    3. Bianca - Shine A Little Light
    4. Dulcima - When You Go
    5. Darline - Until Tomorrow
    6. Matthew James - A Better Man

    I don't expect any of these songs to change the UK's recent fortunes at Eurovision, and I wouldn't choose to listen to any of them again.
    NickEmpel likes this.
  3. Julio STRANGLES

    1. Karl - Miracle (I quite like this one!)
    2. Joe & Jake - You're Not Alone (I also quite like this one)
    3. Bianca - Shine A Little Light (not bad at all)
    4. Dulcina - When You Go (not bad okish)
    5. Darline - Until Tomorrow (countryish mediocre song)
    6. Matthew James - A Better Man (last place in esc ahoy)
    I will be happy if any of the top 3 end up going specially the top 2.
    Definitely better than last year efforts.
    NickEmpel likes this.
  4. Ronini SHIT Taste Central

    :uk: Eurovision: You Decide :uk:

    1. Darline - Until Tomorrow
    2. Dulcima - When You Go
    3. Karl - Miracle
    4. Bianca - Shine A Little Light
    4. Joe & Jake - You're Not Alone
    6. Matthew James - A Better Man

    I have two songs in fourth on purpose. Apart from Matthew James all are okay options for Stockholm but I only really like Darline.
  5. Rua Haldor Lægreid Impersonator

    :uk: YOU Decide so you do :uk:

    01. Darline - Until Tomorrow
    02. Karl - Miracle
    03. Joe & Jake - You're Not Alone
    04. Bianca - Shine A Little Light
    05. Dulcima - When You Go
    06. Matthew James - A Better Man

    Not a bad selection - but I think Karl, Joe & Jake or Bianca would be the better choice than my number one for Eurovision.
  6. DenDutch Well-Known Member

    :uk: Eurovision: You Decide :uk:

    1. Karl - Miracle (quite great, actually, I like the instruments too)
    2. Joe & Jake - You're Not Alone (good song, quite promising)
    2. Darline - Until Tomorrow (oh this is catchy)
    4. Bianca - Shine A Little Light (great chorus, but the verses are a bit meh)
    5. Dulcima - When You Go (inoffensive, just okay)
    6. Matthew James - A Better Man (sounds a bit dated)

    I like the selection, except for my last place.
    Update: after a few more listens, I equally like Joe & Jake and Darline, so to continue the trend of having ties, I have two 2nd places.
  7. Anaconda I'm as sick as fuck.

    :uk: Eurovision: You Decide :uk:

    I made an effort for this, as it's the selection where it matters. Overall, I was rather underwhelmed, nothing stands out particularly - but at least nothing is properly cringe-worthy. I also purposely have two third places.

    01. Karl William Lund - Miracle
    02. Bianca Ryan - Shine A Little Light
    03. Joe & Jake - You Are Not Alone
    03. Darline - Until Tomorrow
    05. Dulcima - When You Go
    06. Matthew James - A Better Man
  8. Ronini SHIT Taste Central

    :de: Unser Song für Stockholm :de:

    1. Jamie-Lee Kriwitz - Ghost : (Yes, please!)
    2. Woods of Birnam - Lift Me Up (From The Underground) : (Failing the above, this, please)
    3. Keøma - Protected : (I really like this, just can't imagine it staged fit for Stockholm)
    4. Alex Diehl - Nur ein Lied : (One of the two good German language options)
    5. Ella Endlich - Adrenalin : (The other one)
    6. Avantasia - Mystery of a Blood Red Rose : (Sure, why not?)
    7. Gregorian - Masters of Chant : (I don't even know. Does this count as a novelty act?)
    8. Joco - Full Moon : (Song isn't bad, but there's something in their voices I find almost unbearable)
    9. Luxuslärm - Solange Liebe in mir wohnt : (Meh. Can't put my finger on it, but there's something about them I can't stand)
    10. Laura Pinski - Under the Sun We Are One : (Not your worst effort by far, but there is a time to call it quits, Mr. Siegel)

    In other news: Fingers crossed that Max Fall feat Vozniuc Dan & Malloy and Big Flash Sound make the
    :md: O Melodie Pentru Europa Final :md: tonight.
  9. DenDutch Well-Known Member

    :de: Unser Song für Stockholm :de:
    1. Jamie-Lee Kriwitz - Ghost
    2. Woods of Birnam - Lift Me Up (From The Underground)
    3. Ella Endlich - Adrenalin
    4. Joco - Full Moon
    5. Laura Pinski - Under the Sun We Are One
    6. Luxuslärm - Solange Liebe in mir wohnt
    7. Keøma - Protected
    8. Avantasia - Mystery of a Blood Red Rose
    9. Alex Diehl - Nur ein Lied
    10. Gregorian - Masters of Chant
    Just send Jamie-Lee, Germany.
    Anaconda likes this.
  10. Genesis2703 Pointless

    :se: Melodifestivalen - Deltävling 4 - Snippets :se:
    1. Molly Sandén - Youniverse
    2. Dolly Style - Rollercoaster
    3. Panetoz - Håll Om Mig Hårt
    4. Linda Bengtzing - Killer Girl
    5. Frans - If I Were Sorry
    6. Eclipse - Runaways
    7. Martin Stenmarck - Du Tar Mig Tillbaks
    Only remotely interested in the first 2 songs, as this heat is really quite weak. The full songs will probably change my views massively.

    :uk: Eurovision: You Decide :uk:
    1. Bianca - Shine A Little Light
    2. Joe & Jake - You're Not Alone
    3. Darline - Until Tomorrow
    4. Karl - Miracle
    5. Dulcina - When You Go
    6. Matthew James - A Better Man
    Don't really have an strong opinion on this ranking though, I only know that I'd be unhappy with the bottom 2, the other 4 will depend on the live performances tonight.
  11. Ronini SHIT Taste Central

    Super Saturday Super Post

    :fi: Uuden Musiiken Kilpailu Final :fi:

    1. Eini - Draamaa
    2. Annica Milán & Kimmo Blom - Good Enough
    3. Stella Christine - Ain't Got Time For Boys
    4. Barbe-Q-Barbies - Let Me Out
    5. Tuuli Okkonen - Don't Wake Me Up
    6. Cristal Snow - Love Is Blind
    7. Mikael Saari - On It Goes
    8. Saara Aalto - No Fear
    9. Sandhja - Sing It Away

    Unless one of the bottom two go to Stockholm, I'll be at least okay with their selection. Eini's Draamaa is my #1 of all NF entries across Europe, though.

    :no: Melodi Grand Prix :no:

    1. Makeda - Stand Up
    2. The Hungry Hearts feat. Lisa Dillan - Laika
    3. Laila Samuels - Afterglow
    4. Stage Dolls - Into the Fire
    5. Suite 16 - Anna Lee
    6. Elouiz - History
    7. Stine Hole Ulla - Traces
    8. Agnete - Icebreaker
    9. Pegasus - Anyway
    10. Freddy Kalas - Feel Da Rush

    Any of the top six would be fine here.

    :si: Evrovizijska Melodija :si:

    1. Sebastijan Lukovnjak - Tales of Tomorrow
    2. ManuElla - Blue and Red
    3. San Di EGO - Brez tebe
    4. Raiven - Črno bel
    5. Anja Kotar - Too Cool
    6. D Base - Spet živ
    7. Žan Serčič - Summer Story
    8. Nuša Derenda - Tip Top
    9. Anja Baš - What If
    10. Regina - Alive in Every Way

    This is based only on the snippets.

    :hu: Á Dal Final :hu:

    1. Petruska - Trouble in My Mind
    2. Olivér Berkes & Andi Tóth - Seven Seas
    3. Freddie - Pioneer
    4. Parno Graszt - Már nem szédülök
    5. Mushu - Uncle Tom
    6. Kállay Saunders Band - Who We Are
    7. Gergő Oláh - Győz a jó
    8. André Vásáry - Why

    Petruska would be amazing, two and three okay and four and five at least enjoyable.

    :md: O Melodie Pentru Europa Final :md:

    1. Max Fall feat. Dan Vozniuc & Malloy - Game Lover
    2. Big Flash Sound - Când vrei
    3. Che-MD - Vodă e cu noi
    4. Felicia Dunaf - You and Me
    5. DoReDoS - FunnyFolk
    6. Valeria Pașa - Save Love
    7. Doinița Gherman - Irresistible
    8. Emilia Russu - I Am Not the Same
    9. Valentin Uzun - Mine
    10. Lidia Isac - Falling Stars
    11. Rodica & Ivan Aculov - Stop Lying
    12. Nadia Moșneagu - Memories
    13. Cristina Pintilie - Picture of Love
    14. Viola - In the Name of Love
    15. Maxim Zavidia - La La Love
    16. Andrei Ionița & Onoffrei - Lie

    Nothing much to add here. I doubt my top four will have much of a chance and beyond that I do not really care.
    Rua and DenDutch like this.
  12. Anaconda I'm as sick as fuck.

    :md: O Melodie Pentru Europa :md:

    Aside my emotional ties with Moldova, this was also my favourite NF this year, song-wise. I have a bit of an unconventional ranking for this.

    1. Lidia Isac - Falling Stars (my favourite to win)

    2. Lovely songs & voices that I'd listen to again
    Emilia Russu - I Am Not The Same
    Felicia Dunaf - You And Me

    3. Pleasant or fun songs that I didn't mind
    Valeria Paşa - Save Love
    Valentin Uzun - Mine
    Maxim Zavidia - La La Love
    Big Flash Sounds - Când Vrei
    Doiniţa Gherman - Irresistible

    4. OKish songs that didn't make an impression
    Nadia Moşneagu - Memories
    Cristina Pintilie - Picture Of Love
    Viola - In The Name Of Love

    5. Personal guilty pleasures, NOT for ESC
    CHE-MD - Vodă E Cu Noi
    Andrei Ioniţă & Onoffrei - Lie

    6. These, I disliked
    Rodica & Ivan Aculov - Stop Lying
    DoReDoS - FunnyFolk

    7. BOG
    Max Fall ft. Dan Vozniuc & Malloy – Game Lover
    DenDutch and Rua like this.
  13. Rua Haldor Lægreid Impersonator

    Super Saturday is UPON us albeit I don't exactly wish to watch most of these.

    :fi: UMK Final :fi:

    01. Annica Milán & Kimmo Blom - Good Enough
    02. Saara Aalto - No Fear
    03. Mikael Saari - On It Goes
    04. Tuuli Okkonen - Don't Wake Me Up
    05. Eini - Draamaa
    06. Sandhja - Sing It Away
    07. Stella Christine - Ain't Got Time For Boys
    08. Barbe-Q-Barbies - Let Me Out
    09. Cristal Snow - Love Is Blind

    :no: Norsk Melodi Grand Prix :no:
    01. Elouiz - History
    02. The Hungry Hearts - Laika
    03. Freddy Kalas - Feel Da Rush
    04. Laila Samuels - Afterglow
    05. Agnete - Icebreaker
    06. Suite 16 - Anna Lee
    07. Pegasus - Anyway
    08. Stine Hole Ulla - Traces
    09. Makeda - Stand Up
    10. Stage Dolls - Into The Fire

    :hu: A Dal Final :hu:
    01. Freddie - Pioneer
    02. Olivér Berkes & Andi Tóth - Seven Seas
    03. Kállay Saunders Band - Who We Are
    04. Gergő Oláh - Győz a jó
    05. Petruska - Trouble In My Mind
    06. Parno Graszt - Már nem szédülök
    07. Mushu - Uncle Tom
    08. André Vásáry - Why

    Sidenote: FREDDIE PLS - Andi & Oliver in a pinch but... FREDDIE PLS.

    :md: Long Title 2016 :md:
    01. Lidia Isac - Falling Stars
    02. DoReDoS - FunnyFolk (because it's so bad it's enjoyable.)

    Er, yeah - it's :md:.
    DenDutch likes this.
  14. DenDutch Well-Known Member

    :fi: Uuden Musiiken Kilpailu Final :fi:
    1. Annica Milán & Kimmo Blom - Good Enough
    2. Cristal Snow - Love Is Blind
    3. Tuuli Okkonen - Don't Wake Me Up
    4. Mikael Saari - On It Goes
    5. Eini - Draamaa
    6. Barbe-Q-Barbies - Let Me Out
    7. Saara Aalto - No Fear
    8. Sandhja - Sing It Away
    9. Stella Christine - Ain't Got Time For Boys
    I can't really make a prediction here, after the interesting choice from last year.

    :no: Norsk Melodi Grand Prix :no:
    1. Elouiz - History
    2. Laila Samuels - Afterglow
    3. Agnete - Icebreaker
    4. Suite 16 - Anna Lee
    5. The Hungry Hearts feat. Lisa Dillan - Laika
    6. Stage Dolls - Into the Fire
    7. Makeda - Stand Up
    8. Stine Hole Ulla - Traces
    9. Freddy Kalas - Feel Da Rush
    10. Pegasus - Anyway
    I think Laila will win this selection.

    :si: EMA 2016 Snippets :si:

    See here

    I can't say this has a clear winner, maybe the full songs live will change that.

    :hu: Á Dal Final :hu:
    1. Freddie - Pioneer
    2. Kállay Saunders Band - Who We Are
    3. Olivér Berkes & Andi Tóth - Seven Seas
    4. Petruska - Trouble in My Mind
    5. Mushu - Uncle Tom
    6. André Vásáry - Why
    7. Gergő Oláh - Győz a jó
    8. Parno Graszt - Már nem szédülök
    I think Freddie will win, he ended up getting the most points in the semi.

    :md: O Melodie Pentru Europa Final :md:
    1. Lidia Isac - Falling Stars
    2. Felicia Dunaf - You and Me
    3. Doinița Gherman - Irresistible
    Note: I forgot almost every song, but I did remember that I disliked a lot, so I decided to just give you my top 3
    Rua likes this.
  15. Genesis2703 Pointless

    :fi: UMK Final :fi:

    01. Annica Milán & Kimmo Blom - Good Enough
    02. Saara Aalto - No Fear
    03. Tuuli Okkonen - Don't Wake Me Up
    04. Mikael Saari - On It Goes
    05. Eini - Draamaa
    06. Barbe-Q-Barbies - Let Me Out
    07. Sandhja - Sing It Away
    08. Stella Christine - Ain't Got Time For Boys
    09. Cristal Snow - Love Is Blind

    Any of the top 4 will do here.

    :no: Norsk Melodi Grand Prix :no:

    01. Laila Samuels - Afterglow
    02. Agnete - Icebreaker
    03. Elouiz - History
    04. The Hungry Hearts - Laika
    05. Freddy Kalas - Feel Da Rush
    06. Suite 16 - Anna Lee
    07. Stine Hole Ulla - Traces
    08. Makeda - Stand Up
    09. Pegasus - Anyway
    10. Stage Dolls - Into The Fire

    One of the top 2 please, I have a feeling Suite 16 will win though :/

    Haven't paid enough attention to the other NFs to do a ranking for them tonight :baby:
  16. NickEmpel BURGER AND FRIES

    :se: Melodifestivalen - Direct Qualifiers :se:
    1. Lisa Ajax - My Heart Wants Me Dead
    2. Molly Sandén - Youniverse
    3. Oscar Zia - Human
    4. Robin Bengtsson - Constellation Prize
    5. David Lindgren - We Are Your Tomorrow
    6. Frans - If I Were Sorry
    7. Ace Wilder - Don't Worry
    8. Wiktoria - Save Me
  17. Genesis2703 Pointless

    :lv: Supernova Final 4 :lv:
    1. Justs - Heartbeat
    2. MyRadiantU - We Will Be Stars
    3. Marta Ritova - Not From This World
    4. Catalepsia - Damnation
    If Justs does not win I shall flip tables, a clear winner in my mind.

    :se: Andra Chansen Duels (who I want) :se:
    1. Panetoz - Hall Om Mig Hart vs Molly Pettersson Hammer - Hunger
    2. Albin&Mattias - Rik vs Boris Rene - Put Your Love On Me
    3. Isa - I Will Wait vs SaRaha - Kizunguzungu
    4. Dolly Style - Rollercoaster vs Samir&Viktor - Bada Nadka
    Think I'll get 3/4 of these, as S&V will blatently win Duel 4. Isa is the only one I really like out of these though.
  18. :se: Melodifestivalen 2016 - Deltävling 4 :se:
    1. Molly Sandén - Youniverse
    2. Dolly Style - Rollercoaster
    3. Linda Bengtzing - Killer Girl
    4. Panetoz - Håll om mig hårt
    5. David Stenmarck - Du tar mig tillbaks
    6. Eclipse - Runaways
    7. Frans - If I Were Sorry
    :se: Melodifestivalen 2016 - Andra chansen :se:
    1. Panetoz - Håll om mig hårt vs. Molly Pettersson Hammar - Hunger
    2. Albin & Mattias - Rik vs. Boris René - Put Your Love On Me
    3. ISA - I Will Wait vs. SaRaha - Kizunguzungu
    4. Dolly Style - Rollercoaster vs. Samir & Viktor - Bada nakna
  19. DenDutch Well-Known Member

    :lv: Supernova Final :lv:
    1. Justs - Heartbeat
    2. MyRadiantU - We Will Be Stars
    3. Marta Ritova - Not From This World
    4. Catalepsia - Damnation
    I trust Latvia enough to say I think they'll let Justs win.
  20. NickEmpel BURGER AND FRIES

    :pl: Krajowe Eliminacje :pl:
    1. Natalia Szroeder - Lustra
    2. Margaret - Cool Me Down
    3. Edyta Górniak - Grateful
    4. NAPOLI - My Universe
    5. Dorota Osińska - Universal
    6. Ola Gintrowska - Missing
    7. Kasia Moś - Addiction
    8. Taraka - In The Rain
    9. Michał Szpak - Color Of Your Life

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