•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Chat Room

  • The escChat.com Chat Room is the fun way to chat with other Eurovision Song Contest fans from around the world in real time. We don't just talk about Eurovision either - it's usually the main topic, but don't be surprised to find us talking about something completely different sometimes!

    It is genuinely a fun place and unites people all over the world who share a passion for the awesomely a-ma-zing Eurovision Song Contest - so come in, make new friends and join us as Basel beckons!

    When you're in the chat room, please remember to be polite and friendly - we're all Eurovision fans, but above all, we are all human so please treat everybody with respect even if your opinion is different to ours. It's also probably best to refrain from incendiary topics such as politics and please don't advertise other sites or services without permission.

    Also, please keep in mind that this is an English language chat room - we understand that English is not the native language for many people. However, English is the universal language that most people understand and as this is a public chat room, the use of English means that everybody can participate in the discussion. So, please write in English in the chat room if there are others present who do not speak your native language. Have fun!
  • This is one of the most popular Eurovision Song Contest chat rooms on the internet all year round. It is most active in the evenings from around 21:00 GMT. Please don't be disheartened or give up on us if it is empty or quiet if you visit before this time - please stick around or come back later. Be part of it!

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