•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

List of Subjects!

  1. Mmm How I love beeing home all day doing nothing but being lazy haha.
    Well anyways, I finally made that list of 88 things.
    Now it's just your job to take out the boring ones and add more fun things to it?

    - Freckles
    - Cheese
    - StarWars
    - Fests and parties
    - Alcohol (pretty popular subject)
    - Russia
    -Mina's sexlife ( if there is any)
    - fruits (how ever you want to use that word, just sayin')
    - transports
    - MUSIC
    - Canada
    - murders
    - tools
    - Luis and his hobbie: shopping online
    - Candy and chocolate
    - drugs
    - smells
    - the year of 2009
    - celebrity look alike
    - music in movies
    - natural beauty
    - James and his taste in music
    -2011 plans
    - shopping
    - radio
    - nausea
    -Anette's next birthday party
    -Harry Potter
    - Terminals
    - Smoked fish
    - Rice
    - Maths
    - the weather
    - the toilet ( wether it's the object itself or the great awards)
    - Sheep (..what can you say?)
    - politics
    - spicy food (hlo mexican)
    - Environment
    - drawing
    - nails
    - tea ( why adding milk to it)
    - worries (do we really need them)
    - magics
    - the army
    - animals
    - computers
    - tennis
    - clothes
    - travels
    - camels
    - Austria
    - names
    -ice creams
    - sleeping habits
    - India
    - colors
    - childhood memories
    - God
    - interviews (hlo lady gaga)
    - work ( no complaints)
    - birthdays
    -hair dye
    - school ( again, no complaints)
    - The United Kingdom
    - easters (bunny)
    - DRK 1
    - babies (angels or devils)
    - diamonds
    - bodies ( dead or alive I don't care)
    - golf

  2. Dingo "Who's Online" page Fan#1

    LMAO.. and I don't know why!
  3. Originally Posted by icelandic girl
    -Anette's next birthday party

    Dingo "LMAO.. and I don't know why!"

    I will survive ;D
  4. jaha

    Alrighty but just for the fact, that list took 5 min writing down and I did actually use a book called 'Complete Random' searching for subjects.
  5. Liam Esterran.

    I'm not sure I understand this topic so much, but i'll give it a go.

    - India

    My housemate is from India. She's from Kashmir, but grew up in Dehli. Kashmiri people are really different looking from the normal look for Indians. She's a little taller than I am, she's very thin and almost as pale as I am. She looks more like she'd be Eastern European or vaguely middle eastern.

    The end.
  6. Dingo "Who's Online" page Fan#1

    - Pets

    My first pet was called Blackie and was a guinea pig with scruffy black hair/fur. He lived for quite a long time, eight years or something. I had another g-p when my brother got a rabbit and they threw in the guinea pig for free because they didn't want it. It was crazy with short straw-like fur with brown and white patterns like a cow. I called it Timmy but then the vet said it was a girl so I renamed her Tammy. I like guinea pigs because they're always running around so traumatised haha.

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