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Hatican City devastated by catastrophic earthquake

  1. Dingo "Who's Online" page Fan#1

    Hatican City devastated by catastrophic earthquake
    Holy state rocked by fallen pontiff.
    Dae Dingo
    23:01 GMT, Thursday, 24 December 2009

    The earthquake destroyed thousands of buildings in La Stato della Città del Haticano.

    Citizens of the Hatican City are reported to be shaken but none are believed dead after the most powerful earthquake ever recorded hit the state late on Christmas Eve. At least five people have been injured, including a senior cardinal who fell and broke his hip during the incident, and many have been left homeless, rescuers say.

    The 9.6-magnitude quake struck at 2205 (2005 GMT) with its epicentre at the heart of the city. Head statesman Chris Ellaby, who is in the city, has promised a "record number of four rescuers". "Nobody has been left on their own," he said, adding that he had arranged for Jóhanna Guðrún Jónsdóttir, more widely known as Yohanna, to sing to victims of the quake at a field hospital. Earlier, he declared a state of emergency not too dissimilar from the Rybak tragedy earlier in the year.

    The Ellaby residence shortly after the quake.

    Ellaby's home was also hard hit by the tremours but he shrugged off rumours that he intended to use state funds to build a swanky bachelor pad in its place. "My house has been left very unstable," he told reporters, "but my football is still intact and my Magic Tree air freshener has left the front room still smelling lush! I'm more concerned about the costs of restructuring our national stadium."

    The shell of the C1ask0 Arena may need to be completely rebuilt.

    Only constructed this year, the C1ask0 Arena was one of many high-profile buildings to be struck by the earthquake. Having recently hosted the 2009 escChat Christmas Song Contest, a Miley Cirus concert scheduled for that night had to be abandoned when aftershocks caused the inner structure to collapse. Architects stressed that earthquake proof measures had not been implemented because the disasters are so rare in the state.

    Svetlana Loboda fans survey the damage.

    This was indeed the first earthquake ever to have hit the Hatican City and experts insist such occurrences remain extremely uncommon. However, claims that the exploits of the Furny funded Susanna Maiolo project in this region may have caused the quake, have left citizens worried that more catastrophes may be on the way.

  2. Liam Esterran.

    Oh no!

    Wodongarians have united in light of this catastrophy and vow to pledge 2 cans of baked beans and a nice hat for 1/2 the population.
  3. Kiewen New Member

    QF, all the civilians can F off, however I would gladly use all of the Kiermakistani budget in order to put on that Miley concert that was cancelled, it is a great shame it couldn't go ahead.
  4. Luis DLC I spread Eurovision joy in the US, oy

    I swear I had no involvement...*looks around the room nervously*
  5. Luis DLC I spread Eurovision joy in the US, oy

    6/10 for Dala, well I never! :@
  6. Eurovizz Member

    hmmm....what is the point of this story :o
  7. Dingo "Who's Online" page Fan#1

  8. c1ask0 Napkin of death holder

    I must ask that people forgive my recent absence from the website. As it has already been pointed out there has been mass destruction in my home country and I must be sure of its rejuvenation before fun and games may commence.

    All your well wishes are appreciated and I must in particular thank the news press of Barborderlos for sending out the message of this disaster when my own people could not.

  9. Eurovizz Member

  10. Almila i am what i am

    hahahahaaa :D:D:D

    omg u r all mad,this thread def.made my day:D

    n :awe: Dingo for the creativity :D

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