•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

#12: Arvedavgi, Sheepmark - "Return to Innocence"

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  1. Luis DLC I spread Eurovision joy in the US, oy

    Another scandanavian woman chosen to take on the job. :P Yes I adore these girls! :D

    She's telling her man that it's over and that she's out of his life for good. In English. I heard this in 2007 on a foreign music channel (may it rest in peace :()
  2. c1ask0 Napkin of death holder

    I think I know what song this is. :P
  3. Dingo "Who's Online" page Fan#1

    This competition I've chosen something by a very underrated German band who recently reunited and are currently touring eastern Europe.. their sound however is primarily 90's nu-metal/grunge. It takes me back to messy teenage years.

    The female vocalist, of Croatian descent, has a distinctly powerful voice with which she growls and screams a lot.. so much so that some people sometimes mistake her for a man. There is less of that in my entry, because it's slower and sadder, heartfelt. The song pretty much sums me up.
  4. MILKshake  

    my song is completely different from the rest it seems so far, you can call it amazing, cute, strange or weird. quite frankly you can love it or hate it! :D :D well i love it!
  5. Arben The Flag Lover

    This song is a (heavy) rock song of a band which sings english...

    The lyrics refer in pieces a bit to escchat this time for me personally:

    I'll tell you stories of a better time
    in a place that we once knew
    We are the angry and the desperate
    We are the ones who kept quiet
    and always did what we were told
    Dont hold me up now (...)
    You won't let me down..."

    Some might know what i mean; some not
    For those who cant do anything with that, better for u :)

    The video i used was the best i found... its a fanvideo with visual material from the manga "one piece"...

    P.S. i consider being last again lol :D
  6. Layla Al-Magnuna New Member

    Oh, I know this band and I LOVE them and her voice! Good choice! :)

    My song this time is a very catchy one by a GREAT and, I dare say, unique Danish duo.
  7. Layla Al-Magnuna New Member

    I can only say that, you gave away too much and I know which song you have chosen :D Hihiihihi, I know 3 songs already, this is fun. Plus I think I can guess which Luis sent also.
  8. Arben The Flag Lover

    haha i knew it would be easy finding out my song after writing a bit of lyrics...
    but everyone who wants can find out now actually... i considered that :D

    but i hopw noone does so...
  9. Ah, I think I know the song :D
  10. Jackeroo The Big Unit

    Jacuvia is going with the 3 piece British girl band with no original members left approach. The band is in their one original member left phase. The song is catchy, upbeat and cheerful. Just what this site needs at the moment :)!
  11. Luis DLC I spread Eurovision joy in the US, oy

    I think I know CTP's :P And I was thinking of sending Arben's group someday XD.
  12. Almila i am what i am

    Safinette is giving a party as we are returning to the innocent days by sticking together and cough celebrating the third position at the 11th edition cough:P

    and we are in the "so wanna dance" mood.as a result of this Safinette is sending a great dance track and as our contest is for fun,we wanna make you have fun; no matter what:)

    vote for it or not,hopefully you will all dance with this song unless you are quite dead or really dislike uptempo songs:P

    good luck everyone:)
  13. Stewart SOD ME HARD AND FAST

    Jack it is obvious what group you are sending.

    MY SONG has yet to be chosen because I am qf uninspired.
  14. Eurovizz Member


    My song may not be a quality song haha, but I've decided to submit it to our contest because it's a song that makes my mood so happy that I totally forget the bad things that come on my mind:D And I think our site needs a dose of happiness right now and a bit of laughter of my song :D

    And I admit yes, I was going to boycott this edition, but since I reckon this will probably be the last edition for this year, I want to end 2009 with our contest in a happy way with everybody and wish for better future for everybody and for our contest in 2010:o:o
    Now to business..

    My song is performed by a girl-group :o:P They have the 2nd largest fan club in Asia (yes, it is k-pop lol), but also one of the world's largest anti fan clubs. This song also holds the record in being # 1 in all major music charts in Korea and several other countries during January-February (in 9 consecutive weeks!) ..and they belong to SM Entertainment.

    (Kiewen, I couldn't resist in sending the song!?!?!?:o:D)
  15. Today is, ofc, the last day to send an entry if you wish :D THAT MEANS YOU STEWART WOOLLEY OF NNS.

    Looking at the numbers I've got now, it's seems as if we're gonna have just a final - an OLDSKOOL FINAL, BITCHES. :cool:

  16. ---Ladies and gentlemen of Avalon---
    The deadline for sending an entry to the 12th edition of escChat song contest has come to a close.

    The songs will be revealed on Saturday 28th November 2009 at 18:00, Sheepish time.

    Stay tuned, I ensure some drama...
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