•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Lithuania 2020

  1. Anaconda I'm as sick as fuck.

    The Lithuanian National Final will take place on 15 February, at 7pm WIM. It will be available to watch here.

    36 songs competed over three heats and two semifinals to yield 8 finalists, which I have listed below in running order. Returnees include Aistė Pilvelytė (12th attempt), Monika Marija (3rd attempt), Rūta Loop and THE ROOP (2nd attempt for each). The links are from the semifinal performances.

    1. Aistė Pilvelytė - Unbreakable
    2. Rūta Loop - We Came From The Sun
    3. KaYra - Alligator
    4. Monika Marija - If I Leave
    5. MEANDI - DRIP
    6. THE ROOP - On Fire
    7. The Backs - Fully
    8. Moniqué - Make Me Human

    I don't find it a bad selection, but I also don't *love* any of the offerings. My favourite is probably KaYra, but I would be equally fine with Moniqué or Monika Marija. MEANDI is a competent entry, even if not my style. The Backs have nice harmonies, but the song is dull. I don't much like either Rūta Loop or THE ROOP, and Aistė Pilvelytė is just atrocious.

    From what I can tell from the semifinal scores, THE ROOP are definitely the most hyped act, with by far the largest share of televote (followed, in order, by Moniqué, Aistė Pilvelytė and KaYra, all at quite a distance). The jury also didn't dislike them (though they had them after Aistė Pilvelytė, Monika Marija, and Moniqué). Reminder: the vote is a 50%-50% split between jury and televote.

    Shoutout to my favourite selection-act-that-didn't-make-it, a band I have supported in every one of the three years they attempted so far, with a tongue-in-cheek song that's a lot of fun: Twosome - Playa.
    Ronini and Rua like this.
  2. Rua Haldor Lægreid Impersonator

    I thought Lithuania definitely stepped up with the quality of songs this time around - albeit I do have one or two I would've liked to see in the final over others, I think some of the better songs made it here.

    I like Ruta, KaYra and Moniqué the best - The Roop is catchy but I don't rate it as highly. It's a solid fourth of this selection. The rest, I don't personally like.

    I would like Moniqué to win but KaYra was a close second (and probably first if I based it on studio cuts but the live is still not entirely polished.)

    The Backs seemed to just survive purely on being up against shite the entire time.

    And on the topic of shouting out favourites that didn't make it, I would like to give a mention to Namų dvasia by Baltos Varnos - they were in the harder semi but definitely deserved the spot for bringing a very pretty Lithuanian song.
    Ronini and Anaconda like this.
  3. Ronini SHIT Taste Central

    It's a very good final in my books. The only really bad entry here is Aistė's, so they are probably going to pick that </ . I don't get the hype about The ROOP, but don't mind it either. KaYra is probably my favourite, just, followed by Moniqué and then Ruta Loop.
    Rua likes this.
  4. Mina Member with a "past"

    I really like THE ROOP...very interesting entry!
    mrvirgo likes this.
  5. mrvirgo Active Member

    I really hope that they send THE ROOP. ''On Fire'' is so memorable and unique song.
    Mina likes this.
  6. James ... and his things xD

    Thank you for updating us, Boby, it is much appreciated.

    I gave them a try to as I won't be home tonight:

    Aiste: acceptable
    Kayra: nice act, but a poor song
    Meandi: not bad in its style, but I'm not convinced
    Monica Marija: I read that she is the top favourite, but I don't like this, its a sleeping pill
    Moniqué: I like this
    Ruta Loop: acceptable , fashion victims though
    The backs: crap
    The Roop: I like this, his voice reminds me a bit on Mika's. The verses are sometimes a bit silly and some of their moves are too.

    I would like The roop of Moniqué to win.

    PS: Boby's favourite is in the same league as her favourite 'Dragostea din tei' by O zone.
    Anaconda likes this.
  7. Anaconda I'm as sick as fuck.

    The winner of the Lithuanian National Final, and hence the act to represent Lithuania in the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 in Rotterdam, is The ROOP, with their song On Fire.

    They totally smashed the televote, obtaining 34585 votes (followed by Moniqué with only 10366), and were also first in the jury vote (followed also by Moniqué).

    Watch their live performance here:
    Mina and James like this.
  8. Mina Member with a "past"

    Yay! The first song I love this year.

    *does the roop dance*

  9. mrvirgo Active Member

    Finally Lithuania selected their song wisely. This song has a good potential to do well.
  10. sokrates1988 I HATE EUROVISION

    its different i suppose ^_^
    Anaconda and Mina like this.

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