This is my provisional ranking:
Italy: Diodato - Fai rumore 02.
Romania: Roxen - Alcohol You 03.
Spain: Blas Cantó - Universo 04.
Lithuania: The ROOP - On Fire 05.
Denmark: Ben & Tan - Yes
Ukraine: Go_A - Solovey 07.
Norway: Ulrikke Brandstrop - Attention 08.
Malta: Destiny Chukunyere - All Of My Love 09.
Cyprus: Sandro - Running 10.
Estonia: Uku Suviste - What Love Is 11.
Bulgaria: Victoria - Tears Getting Sober 12.
Switzerland: Gjon's Tears - Répondez-moi 13.
United Kingdom: James Newman - My Last Breath 14.
France: Tom Leeb - The Best In Me 15.
Armenia: Athena Manoukian - Chains On You 16.
Israel: Eden Alene - Feker Libi 17.
Belgium: Hooverphonic - Release Me 18.
Albania: Arilena Ara - Fall From The Sky 19.
Germany: Ben Dolic ft. B-OK - Violent Thing 20.
Azerbaijan: Samira Efendi - Cleopatra 21.
Czech Republic: Benny Cristo - Kemama 22.
Russia: Little Big - Uno 23.
Ireland: Lesley Roy - Story Of My Life 24.
Sweden: The Mamas - Move 25.
Portugal: Elisa - Medo de Sentir 26.
Slovenia: Ana Soklič - Voda 27.
Austria: Vincent Bueno - Alive 28.
Latvia: Samanta Tīna - Still Breathing 29.
Holland: Jeangu Macrooy - Grow 30.
North Macedonia: Vasil - YOU 31.
Moldova: Natalia Gordienko - Prison 32.
Croatia: Damir Kedžo- Divlji vjetre 33.
Finland: Aksel Kankaanranta - Looking Back
Serbia: Hurricane - Hasta La Vista
Belarus: VAL - Da vidna
Poland: Alicja Szemplińska - Empires
Australia: Montaigne - Don't Break Me
Georgia: Tornike Kipriani - Take Me As I Am
Iceland: Daði & Gagnamagnið - Think About Things
San Marino: Senhit - Freaky!
Greece: Stefania - SUPERG!RL