•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Official 2019 Ranking Thread

  1. Rua Haldor Lægreid Impersonator

    GOOD day/eve/night/etc to you all and welcome to the ranking thread - where you can, amongst other things, RANK the entries.

    Please remember that this is for rankings only - any opinions on songs are destined to their respective threads or the ESTEEMED chat room. Bumps are permitted for when entries are released in bulk (such as the 16th and the 23rd of this month.)

    Please use the EDIT feature to update your ranking as you see fit as the songs are revealed.

    Chunky's Chart 2k19 (which is very much subject to change)
    01. :gr: Greece - Katerine Duska - Better Love
    02. :it: Italy - Mahmood - Soldi
    03. :rs: Serbia - Nevena Božović - Kruna
    04. :nl: Holland - Duncan Laurence - Arcade
    05. :ch: Switzerland - Luca Hanni - She Got Me
    06. :mk: North Macedonia - Tamara Todevska - Proud
    07. :is: Iceland - Hatari - Hatrið mun sigra
    08. :cy: Cyprus - Tamta - Replay
    09. :am: Armenia - Srbuk - Walking Out
    10. :si: Slovenia - Zala Kralj & Gašper Šantl - Sebi
    11. :be: Belgium - Eliot - Wake Up
    12. :az: Azerbaijan - Chingiz - Truth
    13. :ro: Romania - Ester Peony - On A Sunday
    14. :uk: United Kingdom - Michael Rice - Bigger Than Us
    15. :mt: Malta - Michela - Chameleon
    16. :ru: Russia - Sergey Lazarev - Scream
    17. :fr: France - Bilal Hassani - Roi
    18. :se: Sweden - John Lundvik - Too Late For Love
    19. :al: Albania - Jonida Malliqi - Ktheju tokës
    20. :es: Spain - Miki - La venda
    21. :lt: Lithuania - Jurij Veklenko - Run With The Lions
    22. :no: Norway - KEiiNO - Spirit In The Sky
    23. :hu: Hungary - Joci Pápai - Az én apám
    24. :ee: Estonia - Victor Crone - Storm
    25. :il: Israel - Kobi Marimi - Home
    26. :pl: Poland - Tulia - Pali Się (Fire of Love)
    27. :de: Germany - S!sters - Sister
    28. :pt: Portugal - Conan Osíris - Telemóveis
    29. :fi: Finland - Darude feat. Sebastian Rejman - Look Away
    30. :ie: Ireland - Sarah McTernan - 22
    31. :au: Australia - Kate Miller-Heidke - Zero Gravity
    32. :sm: San Marino - Serhat - Say Na Na Na
    33. :dk: Denmark - Leonora - Love Is Forever
    34. :cz: Czech Republic - Lake Malawi - Friend Of A Friend
    35. :at: Austria - Paenda - Limits
    36. :md: Moldova - Anna Odobolescu - Stay
    37. :by: Belarus - ZENA - Like It
    38. :lv: Latvia - Carousel - That Night
    39. :ge: Georgia - Oto Nemsadze - Sul Tsin Iare
    40. :hr: Croatia - Roko - The Dream
    41. :me: Montenegro - D-Moll - Heaven
    Teodor and Anaconda like this.
  2. James ... and his things xD

    01.:es: Spain - Miki - La venda
    02.:no: Norway - KEiiNO - Spirit In The Sky
    03. :nl: Holland - Duncan Laurence - Arcade
    04. :ch: Switzerland - Luca Hanni - She Got Me
    05. :se: Sweden - John Lundvik - Too Late For Love
    06. :is: Iceland - Hatari - Hatrið mun sigra
    07. :rs: Serbia - Nevena Božović - Kruna
    08. :az: Azerbaijan - Chingiz - Truth
    09. :al: Albania - Jonida Malliqi - Ktheju tokës
    10. :mt: Malta - Michela - Chameleon
    11. :fr: France - Bilal Hassani - Roi
    12. :pt: Portugal - Conan Osíris - Telemóveis
    13. :it: Italy - Mahmood - Soldi
    14. :ru: Russia - Sergey Lazarev - Scream
    15. :si: Slovenia - Zala Kralj & Gašper Šantl - Sebi
    16. :pl: Poland - Tulia - Pali Się (Fire of Love)
    17. :gr: Greece - Katerine Duska - Better Love
    18. :ee: Estonia - Victor Crone - Storm
    19. :hu: Hungary - Joci Pápai - Az én apám
    20. :cy: Cyprus - Tamta - Replay
    21. :de: Germany - S!sters - Sister
    22. :uk:United Kingdom - Michael Rice - Bigger Than Us
    23. :il: Israel - Kobi Marimi - Home
    24. :ie: Ireland - Sarah McTernan - 22
    25. :lt: Lithuania - Jurijus - Run With The Lions
    25. :dk: Denmark - Leonora - Love Is Forever
    27. :lv: Latvia - Carousel - That Night
    28. :am: Armenia - Srbuk - Walking Out
    29. :by: Belarus - ZENA - Like It
    30 .:at: Austria - Paenda - Limits
    31. :mk: North Macedonia - Tamara Todevska - Proud
    32. :au: Australia - Kate Miller-Heidke - Zero Gravity
    33. :cz: Czech Republic - Lake Malawi - Friend Of A Friend
    34. :md: Moldova - Anna Odobolescu - Stay
    35. :hr: Croatia - Roko - The Dream
    36. :me: Montenegro - D-Moll - Heaven
    37. :fi: Finland - Darude feat. Sebastian Rejman - Look Away
    38. :sm: San Marino - Serhat - Say Na Na Na
    39. :ge: Georgia - Oto Nemsadze - Sul Tsin Iare
    40. :ro: Romania - Ester Peony - On A Sunday
    Rua likes this.
  3. sokrates1988 I HATE EUROVISION

    :es::es::es: and :sm::sm::sm: :yeah: still a crap year mind :D
    Rua likes this.
  4. Mina Member with a "past"

    01 :es:
    02 :it:
    03 :uk:
    04 :al:
    05 :cz:
    06 :fr:
    07 :me:
    08 :au:
    Rua likes this.
  5. mrvirgo Active Member

    01. :nl: Holland - Duncan Laurence - Arcade
    02. :is: Iceland - Hatari - Hatrið mun sigra
    03. :no: Norway - KEiiNO - Spirit In The Sky
    04. :ch: Switzerland - Luca Hanni - She Got Me
    05. :pt: Portugal - Conan Osíris - Telemóveis
    06. :mk: North Macedonia - Tamara Todevska - Proud
    07. :az: Azerbaijan - Chingiz - Truth
    08. :it: Italy - Mahmood - Soldi
    09. :rs: Serbia - Nevena Božović - Kruna
    10. :es: Spain - Miki - La venda
    11. :gr: Greece - Katerine Duska - Better Love
    12. :al: Albania - Jonida Malliqi - Ktheju tokës
    13. :be: Belgium - Eliot - Wake Up
    14. :cy: Cyprus - Tamta - Replay
    15. :mt: Malta - Michela - Chameleon
    16. :sm: San Marino - Serhat - Say Na Na Na
    17. :de: Germany - S!sters - Sister
    18. :uk: United Kingdom - Michael Rice - Bigger Than Us
    19. :am: Armenia - Srbuk - Walking Out
    20. :lt: Lithuania - Jurijus - Run With The Lions
    21. :se: Sweden - John Lundvik - Too Late For Love
    22. :ru: Russia - Sergey Lazarev - Scream
    23. :ee: Estonia - Victor Crone - Storm
    24. :fi: Finland - Darude feat. Sebastian Rejman - Look Away
    25. :il: Israel - Kobi Marimi - Home
    26. :md: Moldova - Anna Odobolescu - Stay
    27. :dk: Denmark - Leonora - Love Is Forever
    28. :ie: Ireland - Sarah McTernan - 22
    29. :cz: Czech Republic - Lake Malawi - Friend Of A Friend
    30. :lv: Latvia - Carousel - That Night
    31. :hr: Croatia - Roko - The Dream
    32. :fr: France - Bilal Hassani - Roi
    33. :si: Slovenia - Zala Kralj & Gašper Šantl - Sebi
    34. :by: Belarus - ZENA - Like It
    35. :pl: Poland - Tulia - Pali Się (Fire of Love)
    36. :au: Australia - Kate Miller-Heidke - Zero Gravity
    37. :hu: Hungary - Joci Pápai - Az én apám
    38. :ro: Romania - Ester Peony - On A Sunday
    39. :me: Montenegro - D-Moll - Heaven
    40. :ge: Georgia - Oto Nemsadze - Sul Tsin Iare
    41. :at: Austria - Paenda - Limits
    James and Rua like this.
  6. Rua Haldor Lægreid Impersonator

    You can now edit your rankings to include the five new songs selected over the weekend (remember, this is just a bump not a means to comment on the quality, just rankings, please :D') - Estonia, Slovenia, Romania, Latvia n' Croatia!
    Anaconda likes this.
  7. Rua Haldor Lægreid Impersonator

    Another super saturday and another four entries to the Eurovision stage - you can now post your ranking or edit your ranking to include Denmark, Lithuania and Hungary!
    (thanks to Ana for some of these links, too!)
    Anaconda likes this.
  8. Julio STRANGLES

    :nl: / :ru: / :ch: / :it: / :az: / :be: / :pt: / :mt: / :cy: / :no: / :lt: / :au: / :gr: / :se: / :ee: / :al: / :at: / :de: / :uk: / :am: / :dk: / :fr: / :is: / :si: / :hu: / :rs: / :pl: / :mk: / :es: / :ro: / :ie: / :il: / :fi: / :hr: / :md: / :sm: / :by: / :lv: / :cz: / :me: / :ge:
    Rua likes this.
  9. Teodor Moderator

    Here is my ranking so far:

    :heart: ( :gr: Greece - Katerine Duska - Better Love) :heart:

    :yeah: ( :cy: Cyprus - Tamta - Replay ) :yeah:

    01. :it: Italy - Mahmood - Soldi
    02. :ch: Switzerland - Luca Hänni - She Got Me
    03. :es: Spain - Miki - La venda
    04. :ru: Russia - Sergey Lazarev - Scream
    05. :se: Sweden - John Lundvik - Too Late For Love
    06. :no: Norway - KEiiNO - Spirit In The Sky
    07. :nl: Holland - Duncan Laurence - Arcade
    08. :lt: Lithuania - Jurijus - Run With The Lions
    09. :mt: Malta - Michela - Chameleon
    10. :az: Azerbaijan - Chingiz - Truth
    11. :be: Belgium - Eliot - Wake Up
    12. :al: Albania - Jonida Malliqi - Ktheju tokës
    13. :ee: Estonia - Victor Crone - Storm
    14. :fr: France - Bilal Hassani - Roi
    15. :dk: Denmark - Leonora - Love Is Forever
    16. :am: Armenia - Srbuk - Walking Out
    17. :ro: Romania - Ester Peony - On A Sunday
    18. :rs: Serbia - Nevena Božović - Kruna
    19. :hu: Hungary - Joci Pápai - Az én apám
    20. :pt: Portugal - Conan Osíris - Telemóveis
    21. :fi: Finland - Darude feat. Sebastian Rejman - Look Away
    22. :md: Moldova - Anna Odobolescu - Stay
    23. :au: Australia - Kate Miller-Heidke - Zero Gravity
    24. :de: Germany - S!sters - Sister
    25. :is: Iceland - Hatari - Hatrið mun sigra
    26. :mk: North Macedonia - Tamara Todevska - Proud
    27. :uk: United Kingdom - Michael Rice - Bigger Than Us
    28. :pl: Poland - Tulia - Fire Of Love (Pali się)
    29. :ie: Ireland - Sarah McTernan - 22
    30. :sm: San Marino - Serhat - Say Na Na Na
    31. :il: Israel - Kobi Marimi - Home
    32. :cz: Czech Republic - Lake Malawi - Friend Of A Friend
    33. :si: Slovenia - Zala Kralj & Gašper Šantl - Sebi
    34. :at: Austria - Paenda - Limits
    35. :by: Belarus - ZENA - Like It
    36. :ge: Georgia - Oto Nemsadze - Sul Tsin Iare
    37. :me: Montenegro - D-Moll - Heaven
    38. :hr: Croatia - Roko - The Dream
    39. :lv: Latvia - Carousel - That Night
  10. Rua Haldor Lægreid Impersonator

  11. sokrates1988 I HATE EUROVISION

    Ive booked a table down the boozer for may, be much more fun
    Rua likes this.
  12. Rua Haldor Lægreid Impersonator

  13. Rua Haldor Lægreid Impersonator

    James likes this.
  14. Rua Haldor Lægreid Impersonator

  15. MrLeo555 New Member

    Hi everyone :)

    Check out my TOP 10 in my youtube video if you like.

    Hope you can agree with it :)
    James likes this.
  16. Ronini SHIT Taste Central

    Finally I have arrived at a ranking I am reasonably happy with:

    1. :cz: Czech Republic - Lake Malawi - Friend Of A Friend
    2. :ie: Ireland - Sarah McTernan - 22
    3. :pl: Poland - Tulia - Fire Of Love (Pali się)
    4. :at: Austria - Paenda - Limits
    5. :si: Slovenia - Zala Kralj & Gašper Šantl - Sebi
    6. :it: Italy - Mahmood - Soldi
    7. :az: Azerbaijan - Chingiz - Truth
    8. :by: Belarus - ZENA - Like It
    9. :lv: Latvia - Carousel - That Night
    10. :be: Belgium - Eliot - Wake Up
    11. :es: Spain - Miki - La venda
    12. :nl: Holland - Duncan Laurence - Arcade
    13. :dk: Denmark - Leonora - Love Is Forever
    14. :uk: United Kingdom - Michael Rice - Bigger Than Us
    15. :fr: France - Bilal Hassani - Roi
    16. :sm: San Marino - Serhat - Say Na Na Na
    17. :mk: North Macedonia - Tamara Todevska - Proud
    18. :lt: Lithuania - Jurijus - Run With The Lions
    19. :gr: Greece - Katerine Duska - Better Love
    20. :md: Moldova - Anna Odobolescu - Stay
    21. :ro: Romania - Ester Peony - On A Sunday
    22. :no: Norway - KEiiNO - Spirit In The Sky
    23. :al: Albania - Jonida Malliqi - Ktheju tokës
    24. :is: Iceland - Hatari - Hatrið mun sigra
    25. :il: Israel - Kobi Marimi - Home
    26. :mt: Malta - Michela - Chameleon
    27. :rs: Serbia - Nevena Božović - Kruna
    28. :hu: Hungary - Joci Pápai - Az én apám
    29. :ru: Russia - Sergey Lazarev - Scream
    30. :ee: Estonia - Victor Crone - Storm
    31. :fi: Finland - Darude feat. Sebastian Rejman - Look Away
    32. :cy: Cyprus - Tamta - Replay
    33. :am: Armenia - Srbuk - Walking Out
    34. :se: Sweden - John Lundvik - Too Late For Love
    35. :ch: Switzerland - Luca Hänni - She Got Me
    36. :ge: Georgia - Oto Nemsadze - Sul Tsin Iare
    37. :pt: Portugal - Conan Osíris - Telemóveis
    38. :de: Germany - S!sters - Sister
    39. :au: Australia - Kate Miller-Heidke - Zero Gravity
    40. :me: Montenegro - D-Moll - Heaven
    41. :hr: Croatia - Roko - The Dream

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