•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

The Seventh Team Edition

  1. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    Ooh shit it is getting closer to Christmas and I said that's when T7's results would be, so we have to get cracking with the pairing draw sooner rather than later.

    My choice of draw date will surprise absolutely nobody. It will take place on Wednesday 10th October 2018, and you will then have until the end of the month to negotiate, with the reveal and voting in November, thus giving enough time to produce the show for December.

    Please reply below if you want to participate in Edition T7 and be quick about it.
    PeterP, Ronini and sokrates1988 like this.
  2. sokrates1988 I HATE EUROVISION

    Love to take part and will it help me get Mina if i enclose a tenner ;):up:
    Anaconda and Mina like this.
  3. Mina Member with a "past"

    I'm in, of course :D
    sokrates1988 likes this.

    Wild horses wouldn't keep me away ofc <<
    sokrates1988 likes this.
  5. sokrates1988 I HATE EUROVISION

    Unless you get james again :D
    James and Anaconda like this.
  6. Pedro Member

    I'd like to participate! :)
  7. Rua Haldor Lægreid Impersonator

    SURE I might as well - I'd like to participate. <<
    James likes this.
  8. Wiggles Administrator

    I would like to be there
    James likes this.
  9. Julio STRANGLES

    I wouldn't mind taking part, however my presence on the draw day will be unlikely due to my work hours
  10. mrvirgo Active Member

    I would like to participate.
  11. Teodor Moderator

    I'd like to take part in this too.
  12. Anaconda I'm as sick as fuck.

    I'd be most delighted to take part - ty jw for the initiative.
  13. Ronini SHIT Taste Central

  14. James ... and his things xD

    :( I bet i can :kiss:
  15. James ... and his things xD

    I also want to be part of this nice experience <<

    I can't pass up the opportunity to have some poor, unfortunate soul pair up with me so count me in!
  17. NickEmpel BURGER AND FRIES

    Would love to take part!
  18. CTP Jass hater

    I would be delighted to participate.
  19. adamacs RUTH DAVIDSON FOR PM.

    I would ofc love to take part

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