•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

2016 National Final Season

  1. Rua Haldor Lægreid Impersonator

    Forgot to post this last night but here it is - acoustic version of 'No Degree of Separation' with the english chorus.
    Code9189, Anaconda, DenDutch and 2 others like this.
  2. Julio STRANGLES

    final version for italy:

  3. Julio STRANGLES

    Russia live:

    Anaconda and Rua like this.
  4. Rua Haldor Lægreid Impersonator

    Supposedly the revamp of :si: and by revamp, I mean now she warbles 'ALLAAAaaaAaAAY' at the beginning of the song and there's now drums accompanying the change of key.

    That's about it? It's hardly a revamp.

    Code9189 likes this.
  5. Julio STRANGLES

    as people are saying the other video is lip synced here is another live version recorded from the audience on a concert
    Anaconda likes this.
  6. DenDutch Well-Known Member

    Croatia live
    Code9189 and Anaconda like this.
  7. Code9189 And There's a Noisy Storm Outside me...


    A Bosnian revamp. They basically only added backing vocals, but still call it a revamp. Can't polish a turd though.
  9. Rua Haldor Lægreid Impersonator

  10. Julio STRANGLES

    :ba: Final version:

  11. DenDutch Well-Known Member

    Nina appears to be back to more natural hair in her video (which was on their tv)
  12. Rua Haldor Lægreid Impersonator

    Gosh, that's an awful video.
  13. DenDutch Well-Known Member

    Didn't they learn from Mihai that space videos are tricky (even if it's only half space)
    Anaconda likes this.

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