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Edition 85 Exit Poll

  1. DenDutch Well-Known Member

    A celebration edition deserves an exit poll! Please answer on what you think will happenvia PM here, that is to me and not to mgf 'w. Also, please do not post your answers in the forum. Thank you!

    Q1. Who do you think will win?

    Q2. Who do you think will flush?

    Q3. Will the winner get more than 200 points?

    Q4. And will this winner break the currect record amount of 9 times 12 points?

    Q5. Who will be the 3 medalists?

    Q6. And who do you expect to be in the bottom 5?

    Q7. Will the winner be known when 18 nations have voted?

    Q8. Will Gen’s 12 points go to a male this edition? (NOT to be answered by Gen!)

    Q9. What will be your final position?

    Q10. How many points will Technika give to Sonohra (Furnyland) this edition? (NOT to be answered by Dan!)

    Note we have 26 participants this edition.

    The deadline is Sunday, 19.30 British Summer Time
    Only vote if you have already finalised your votes!
    Anaconda likes this.
  2. DenDutch Well-Known Member

    Q1. Who do you think will win?
    Furnyland (19x), Polusa Imperio

    Q2. Who do you think will flush?

    Nektarland (6x), Aloysiana(3x), Jamoukovia (3x), Yugosokia (3x), Moldijan(2x), Nesterra(2x), Echelon

    Q3. Will the winner get more than 200 points?

    Yes (16x), No (4x)

    Q4. And will this winner break the currect record amount of 9 times 12 points?
    Yes (16x), No (4x)

    Q5. Who will be the 3 medalists?
    Furnyland(20x), Inspireland(17x), Tildemarte (4x), Virdensof (4x), Planet Janet(3x), Empelia(2x), Technika(2x), Balunistan, Camena, Echelon, Jamoukovia, Polusa Imperio, State of the Ark, Sheepmark, Sylvarova

    Q6. And who do you expect to be in the bottom 5?
    Moldijan(13x), Nektarland(11x), Aloysiana(10x), San Minino(10x), Støkkanslåndet(8x), Jamoukovia(7x), Yugosokia (7x), Nesterra(6x), Balunistan(4x), Custonia(4x), Echelon(4x), Eunecta(3x), Planet Janet(3x), Camena(2x), Sarnavia(2x), Technika(2x), Il Regno d’Italofilia, State of the Ark, Polusa Imperio, Tildemarte

    Q7. Will the winner be known when 18 people have voted?
    Yes (15x), No (5x)

    Q8. Will Gen’s 12 points go to a male this edition?
    Yes(5x), No (14x)

    Q9. What will be your final position?
    12th(3x), 15th(3x), 19th(3x), 9th(2x), 22nd(2x), 23rd (2x), 10th, 13th, 16th,
    17th, 18th

    Q10. How many points will Technika give to Sonohra (Furnyland) this edition?
    12(7x), 10(4x), 4(2x), 5(2x), 6(2x), 1, 7

    Thanks to Julio, Mina, Rua, Erik, Anette, Nick, Sok, Teo, Zuñir, Gen, Curt, Ana, Janet, Nessie, James, Schaap, Sandera, Dan and mgf A’dam for having voted!
    I also voted myself
    Rua likes this.

    As the results of the Poll are out now, here are the records I mentioned in chat last night:

    Most 12s:
    • Sonohra - Salvami (Furnyland #25): 9
    Winners voted by everyone in regular editions (excluding #1 which used a different voting system)?
    • None, but two came close.
    • Johannes Oerding - Jemanden Wie Dich (Inspireland #58): All but Sok, Jammy and Denbi
    • Emma - Non È L'Inferno (Inspireland #76): All but Sok and Jonny
    Highest amount of points in a final:
    1. Sonohra - Salvami (Furnyland #25): 232
    2. Matt Cardle - Starlight (Moldijan #74): 180
    3. Emma - Non È L'Inferno (Inspireland #76): 165
    4. Pauline - Allo Le Monde (Jamoukovia #23): 164
    5. Sylwia Grzeszczak - Male Rzeczy (Inspireland #27): 152
    Highest % of possible points in a final under the current voting system:
    1. Emma - Non È L'Inferno (Inspireland #76): 62.50%
    2. Matt Cardle - Starlight (Moldijan #74): 60.00%
    3. Niccolò Agliardi & i Braccialetti Rossi - Il Bene Si Avvera (Ci Sono Anch'io) (Inspireland #78): 56.82%
    4. Anastacia - Left Outside Alone (Moofistan #2): 56.67%
    5. Pink - U + Ur Hand (Fireflance #3): 55.56%
    Biggest margin in the final of a regular edition:
    1. Sonohra - Salvami (Furnyland)
      Jim Bakkum - Door Jou (Egelivia)
      #25 - 85 points
    2. Emma - Non È L'Inferno (Inspireland)
      Dania Giò - S'Il Nous Plaît (Sarnavia)
      #76 - 59 points
    3. Matt Cardle - Starlight (Moldijan)
      Ivy Quainoo - Wildfires (Light It Up) (Inspireland)
      #74 - 56 points
    4. Frida Gold - 6 Billionen (Inspireland)
      Emblem3 - 3000 Miles (State of the Ark)
      #79 - 44 points
    5. Sylwia Grzeszczak - Male Rzeczy (Inspireland)
      Avalanche City - Love Love Love (Nawrocka)
      #27 - 43 points
    Now, which records do you expect to fall tonight?
    Rua likes this.
  4. Rua Haldor Lægreid Impersonator

    I think the highest percentage of votes for a song will be broken - and I think that the winner will second place on the biggest margin (overtaking 59 but not enough for 85) - I don't think the highest amount of points or 12s will be overtaken, however; I also think that the 'voting for everyone' will not be broken but might reach only 1 person not to vote for it.
  5. Julio STRANGLES

    most 12, voted by everyone, highest %
  6. Most 12s and biggest margin, for sure.

    Possibly highest amount of points in a final and perhaps highest %.
  7. Anaconda I'm as sick as fuck.

    I guess I'd expect most 12s and highest % of possible points in a final to fall tonight, the rest I'd say won't change.

    I agree with Julio :D
  9. Erixi Member

    Highest % of possible points in a final :D
  10. Gian My avatar is fat and frumpy

    I think I'd expect that the number of 12 will be higher
  11. NickEmpel BURGER AND FRIES

    New records. All for regular editions and current voting systems:

    Most 12s:
    • Sonohra - Io e te (Furnyland #85): 13
    • Sonohra - Salvami (Furnyland #25): 9
    Winners voted by everyone in regular editions (excluding #1 which used a different voting system)?
    • Sonohra - Io e te (Furnyland #85) - Lowest score: 2 from Custonia
    Highest amount of points in a final:
    1. Sonohra - Salvami (Furnyland #25): 232
    2. Sonohra - Io e te (Furnyland #85): 225
    3. Matt Cardle - Starlight (Moldijan #74): 180
    4. Emma - Non È L'Inferno (Inspireland #76): 165
    5. Pauline - Allo Le Monde (Jamoukovia #23): 164
    Highest % of possible points in a final under the current voting system:
    1. Sonohra - Io e te (Furnyland #85): 75.00%
    2. Emma - Non È L'Inferno (Inspireland #76): 62.50%
    3. Matt Cardle - Starlight (Moldijan #74): 60.00%
    4. Niccolò Agliardi & i Braccialetti Rossi - Il Bene Si Avvera (Ci Sono Anch'io) (Inspireland #78): 56.82%
    5. Anastacia - Left Outside Alone (Moofistan #2): 56.67%
    Biggest margin in the final of a regular edition:
    1. Sonohra - Io e te (Furnyland)
      Linnea Henriksson - Ensamheten (Inspireland)
      #85 - 101 points
    2. Sonohra - Salvami (Furnyland)
      Jim Bakkum - Door Jou (Egelivia)
      #25 - 85 points
    3. Emma - Non È L'Inferno (Inspireland)
      Dania Giò - S'Il Nous Plaît (Sarnavia)
      #76 - 59 points
    4. Matt Cardle - Starlight (Moldijan)
      Ivy Quainoo - Wildfires (Light It Up) (Inspireland)
      #74 - 56 points
    5. Frida Gold - 6 Billionen (Inspireland)
      Emblem3 - 3000 Miles (State of the Ark)
      #79 - 44 points
    DenDutch, Erixi, Anaconda and 2 others like this.

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