•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Fan Based Eurovision Song Contest.

  1. lucenzob New Member

    Hey there!

    I have an Idea and I need people from different countries to help me realize it!

    The idea is quite simple... As we know, the real Eurovision Song Contest's (which is shown on TV), 50 percent of votes are being decided by TV viewers and 50 or in other cases 100 percent of votes are being decided by a "professional" jury (I don't say they're always wrong). What I want to do is to take each contest from the 2012 and redo the voting based on the real Eurovision Fans and viewers. The final video would be placed in YouTube and if you'd help, you'd definitely be one of the first people who'd see it...

    If you're into it, write me and email to

    [email protected]

    and I'll give you more details.

    Let's repeat the excitement we had waiting for the votes to come in once again! I'm starting off with Eurovision Song Contest 2012, so I'll need people from the following countries: Montenegro, Iceland, Latvia, Albania, Switzerland, Finland, Israel, San Marino, Cyprus, Denmark, Hungary, Austria, Moldova, Ireland, Serbia, Macedonia, Malta, Belarus, Portugal, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Croatia, Sweden, Georgia, Turkey, Estonia, Slovakia, Norway, Bosnia&Herzegovina, France, Italy and Azerbaijan.

    Already have all the votes from Romania, Lithuania, Spain, United Kingdom, Belgium, Slovenia, Greece, Holland, Russia and Germany.

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