•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Prediction poll

  1. Teodor Moderator

    1. The 12's: predict the 12 points

    1. Furnyland: Il Regno d'Italofilia
    2. Empelia: Balunistan
    3. San Minino: State of the Ark
    4. Tildemarte: Moldijan
    5. Villa Badia: Inspireland
    6. Planet Janet: State of the Ark
    7. Moldijan: Sarnavia
    8. Balunistan: Sheepmark
    9. Sarnavia: Moldijan
    10. Il Regno: Stokkanslandet
    11. Inspireland: Il Regno d'Italofilia
    12: State of the Ark: Planet Janet
    13. iLand: Polusa Imperio
    14. Polusa Imperio: Echelon
    15. Nektarland: :hypno:
    16. Oswaldia: Villa Badia
    17. Echelon: Il Regno d'Italofilia
    18. Stokkanslandet: Il Regno d'Italofilia
    19. Yugosokia: Nigaristan
    20. Blunoti: Yugosokia
    21. Sheepmark: Echelon
    22. Jamoukovia: Sheepmark
    23. Lululand: Empelia
    24. Nigaristan: Jamoukovia

    2. Random questions

    - Who will be the winner? (3p): Il Regno d'Italofilia

    - Who will get the toilet? (2p): iLand

    - Which female player will get the best result? (1p): State of the Ark

    - Which non English song will get the best result? (1p): Tildemarte

    - How many 12's will the winner receive? (1p): 4

    7 points
  2. EuroCusto Member

    1. The 12's: predict the 12 points

    1. Furnyland: Echelon
    2. Empelia: Inspireland
    3. San Minino: Blunoti
    4. Tildemarte: Il Regno d'Italofilia
    5. Villa Badia: Sheepmark
    6. Planet Janet: Echelon
    7. Moldijan: Sarnavia
    8. Balunistan: State Of The Ark
    9. Sarnavia: Il Regno d'Italofilia
    10. Il Regno d'Italofilia: Empelia
    11. Inspireland: Echelon
    12: State of the Ark: Echelon
    13. iLand: Villa Badia
    14. Polusa Imperio: Inspireland
    15. Nektarland: Empelia
    16. Custonia:
    17. Echelon: State Of The Ark
    18. Støkkanslåndet: Balunistan
    19. Yugosokia: Blunoti
    20. Blunoti: San Minino
    21. Sheepmark: Il Regno d'Italofilia
    22. Jamoukovia: Inspireland
    23. LuLuLand: Sheepmark
    24. Nigaristan: Yugosokia

    2. Random questions

    - Who will be the winner? (3p): Inspireland

    - Who will get the toilet? (2p): LuLuLand

    - Which female player will get the best result? (1p): Sandra

    - Which non English song will get the best result? (1p): Inspireland

    - How many 12's will the winner receive? (1p): 3
    7 points
  3. James ... and his things xD

    Hello all!

    First of all my excuses for the delay, but here are the results.
    In this edition, not many 12p were predicted correctly, while everyone predicted the toilet.

    The results:

    Anette 9
    Rua 8
    Teodor/Oswald 7
    Marc 6
    Wiggles/Genesis/James 5
    Hanita/Jules 4
    Sok 3

    Congratulations, Anette and thank you all for participating!

    See you all in IRDI!
    Rua and Marc like this.
  4. sokrates1988 I HATE EUROVISION

    well done Anette :)
    ThatWelshOne and Rua like this.

  5. Thanks ;)

    Did I say oh?
  6. James ... and his things xD

    I'm very sorry for posting this late, but I have been very busy the last days.

    Anyway, this is the next edition of the prediction poll.

    1. The 12's: Predict the 12 points of every nation

    1. Moldijan:
    2. Lululand:
    3. Inspireland:
    4. Planet Janet:
    5. Tildemarte:
    6. Yugosokia:
    7. Oswaldia:
    8. Empelia
    9. Furnyland
    10. State of the Ark:
    11. Echelon:
    12. San Minino
    13. Villa Badia:
    14. Polusa Imperio:
    15. Nektarland:
    16. Sarnavia
    17. Nigaristan:
    18. Blunoti:
    19. iLand:
    20. Il Regno:
    21. Stokkanslandet:
    22. Jamoukovia:
    23. Sheepmark:
    24. Tirgolau:
    25. Balunistan:

    2. Other questions:
    - Who will be the winner (3p):
    - Who will be last. (2p)
    - Which female player will get the best placing (1p)?
    - Which non- english song will do best? (1p)
    - Predict your own placing (2p)

    3. Predict which nations will make top 5 (1p/each)
  7. Marc Member

    1. The 12's: Predict the 12 points of every nation

    1. Moldijan: Empelia
    2. Lululand: Custonia
    3. Inspireland: Echelon
    4. Planet Janet: Moldijan
    5. Tildemarte: Echelon
    6. Yugosokia: Tirgolau
    7. Oswaldia: Moldijan
    8. Empelia: Polusa Imperio
    9. Furnyland: Echelon
    10. State of the Ark: Echelon
    11. Echelon: State of the Ark
    12. San Minino: Jamoukovia
    13. Villa Badia: Nektarland
    14. Polusa Imperio: Custonia
    15. Nektarland: Echelon
    16. Sarnavia: San Minino
    17. Nigaristan: Empelia
    18. Blunoti: :court:
    19. iLand: Tildemarte
    20. Il Regno: Polusa Imperio
    21. Stokkanslandet: Sheepmark
    22. Jamoukovia: San Minino
    23. Sheepmark: Il Regno
    24. Tirgolau: Polusa Imperio
    25. Balunistan: Echelon

    2. Other questions:
    - Who will be the winner (3p): Polusa Imperio
    - Who will be last. (2p) Blunoti ( i have no idea )
    - Which female player will get the best placing (1p)? Echelon
    - Which non- english song will do best? (1p) Polusa Imperio
    - Predict your own placing (2p) 20

    3. Predict which nations will make top 5 (1p/each)
    1. Polusa Imperio
    2. Echelon
    3. Moldijan
    4. Empelia
    5. San Minino
    5 points
  8. Rua Haldor Lægreid Impersonator

    1. The 12's: Predict the 12 points of every nation

    1. Moldijan: Inspireland
    2. Lululand: Polusa Imperio
    3. Inspireland: Polusa Imperio
    4. Planet Janet: San Minino
    5. Tildemarte: :mal:
    6. Yugosokia: Sarnavia
    7. Oswaldia: Empelia
    8. Empelia: Il Regno d'Italofilia
    9. Furnyland: Empelia
    10. State of the Ark: Empelia
    11. Echelon: Villa Badia
    12. San Minino: Polusa Imperio
    13. Villa Badia: Inspireland
    14. Polusa Imperio: Tirgolau
    15. Nektarland: SOTA
    16. Sarnavia: Jamoukovia
    17. Nigaristan: Inspireland
    18. Blunoti: iLand
    19. iLand: Empelia
    20. Il Regno: Polusa Imperio
    21. Stokkanslandet: Sheepmark
    22. Jamoukovia: Inspireland
    23. Sheepmark: Villa Badia
    24. Tirgolau: Sarnavia
    25. Balunistan: Echelon

    2. Other questions:
    - Who will be the winner (3p): Polusa Imperio
    - Who will be last. (2p) Nigaristan
    - Which female player will get the best placing (1p)? San Minino
    - Which non- english song will do best? (1p) Polusa Imperio
    - Predict your own placing (2p) 16th

    3. Predict which nations will make top 5 (1p/each)
    1. Empelia
    2. Polusa Imperio
    3. Inspireland
    4. Villa Badia
    5. Sarnavia
    3 points
  9. sokrates1988 I HATE EUROVISION

    1. The 12's: Predict the 12 points of every nation

    1. Moldijan: IRI
    2. Lululand: Inspireland
    3. Inspireland: San Minino
    4. Planet Janet: Scheepmark
    5. Tildemarte: Yugosokia :D
    6. Yugosokia: Tajci
    7. Oswaldia: Villa Badia
    8. Empelia Blunoti
    9. Furnyland Inspireland
    10. State of the Ark: Echelon
    11. Echelon: State Of the Ark
    12. San Minino Sarnavia
    13. Villa Badia: Scheepmark
    14. Polusa Imperio: CTP
    15. Nektarland: San Minino
    16. Sarnavia Tildemarte
    17. Nigaristan: Planet Janet
    18. Blunoti: Yugosokia
    19. iLand: Jamoukovia
    20. Il Regno: Inspireland
    21. Stokkanslandet: Polusa Imperio
    22. Jamoukovia: Moldijan
    23. Sheepmark: Inspireland
    24. Tirgolau: Sarnavia
    25. Balunistan: scheepmark

    2. Other questions:
    - Who will be the winner (3p): Inspireland
    - Who will be last. (2p) Yugosokia
    - Which female player will get the best placing (1p)? San Minino
    - Which non- english song will do best? (1p) jamoukovia
    - Predict your own placing (2p) 24th

    3. Predict which nations will make top 5 (1p/each)
    2.San Minino
    3.Polusa Imperio
    4 points
  10. Julio STRANGLES

    1. The 12's: Predict the 12 points of every nation

    1. Moldijan: Polusa Imperio
    2. Lululand: Tildemarte
    3. Inspireland: :-#
    4. Planet Janet: Echelon
    5. Tildemarte: Polusa Imperio
    6. Yugosokia: Sarnavia
    7. Oswaldia: Tildemarte
    8. Empelia: Balunistan
    9. Furnyland: Empelia
    10. State of the Ark: Il Regno d'Italofilia
    11. Echelon: State of the Ark
    12. San Minino: Il Regno d'Italofilia
    13. Villa Badia: Custonia
    14. Polusa Imperio: Stokkanslandet
    15. Nektarland: Nigaristan
    16. Sarnavia: Polusa Imperio
    17. Nigaristan: Nektarland
    18. Blunoti: Balunistan
    19. iLand: Moldijan
    20. Il Regno: iLand
    21. Stokkanslandet: Polusa Imperio
    22. Jamoukovia: Polusa Imperio
    23. Sheepmark: Sarnavia
    24. Tirgolau: Sarnavia
    25. Balunistan: Echelon

    2. Other questions:
    - Who will be the winner (3p): Polusa Imperio
    - Who will be last. (2p) Yugosokia
    - Which female player will get the best placing (1p)? Echelon
    - Which non- english song will do best? (1p) Polusa Imperio
    - Predict your own placing (2p) 12th

    3. Predict which nations will make top 5 (1p/each)
    1. Polusa Imperio
    2. Balunistan
    3. Empelia
    4. Sarnavia
    5. Il Regno d'Italofilia
    5 points
  11. NickEmpel BURGER AND FRIES

    1. The 12's: Predict the 12 points of every nation

    1. Moldijan: iLand
    2. Lululand: Polusa Imperio
    3. Inspireland: Jamoukovia
    4. Planet Janet: Villa Badia
    5. Tildemarte: Sarnavia
    6. Yugosokia: Sheepmark
    7. Oswaldia: Moldijan
    8. Empelia: :music:
    9. Furnyland: Villa Badia
    10. State of the Ark: Balunistan
    11. Echelon: State of the Ark
    12. San Minino: Polusa Imperio
    13. Villa Badia: Planet Janet
    14. Polusa Imperio: Stokkanslandet
    15. Nektarland: Nigaristan
    16. Sarnavia: Inspireland
    17. Nigaristan: Nektarland
    18. Blunoti: Balunistan
    19. iLand: Sarnavia
    20. Il Regno: Jamoukovia
    21. Stokkanslandet: Polusa Imperio
    22. Jamoukovia: Echelon
    23. Sheepmark: Sarnavia
    24. Tirgolau: Tildemarte
    25. Balunistan: Echelon

    2. Other questions:
    - Who will be the winner (3p): Sarnavia
    - Who will be last. (2p) Tirgolau
    - Which female player will get the best placing (1p)? Echelon
    - Which non- english song will do best? (1p) Polusa Imperio
    - Predict your own placing (2p) 11th

    3. Predict which nations will make top 5 (1p/each)
    1. Inspireland
    2. Il Regno D'Italofilia
    3. Echelon
    4. Polusa Imperio
    5. Sarnavia
    7 points
  12. ThatWelshOne Member

    1. The 12's: Predict the 12 points of every nation

    1. Moldijan: Inspireland
    2. Lululand: Sheepmark
    3. Inspireland: Jamukovia
    4. Planet Janet: Inspireland
    5. Tildemarte: Støkkanslåndet
    6. Yugosokia: Polusa Imperio
    7. Oswaldia: Nektarland
    8. Empelia: Jamukovia
    9. Furnyland: Empelia
    10. State of the Ark: Villa Baida
    11. Echelon: Polusa Imperio
    12. San Minino: Nektarland
    13. Villa Badia: Sheepmark
    14. Polusa Imperio: Custonia
    15. Nektarland: Empelia
    16. Sarnavia: Planet Janet
    17. Nigaristan: Polusa Imperio
    18. Blunoti: Balunistan
    19. iLand: Villa Baida
    20. Il Regno: Polusa Imperio
    21. Stokkanslandet: Sheepmark
    22. Jamoukovia: Moldijan
    23. Sheepmark: Villa Baida
    24. Tirgolau: :roll:
    25. Balunistan: Blunoti

    2. Other questions:
    - Who will be the winner (3p): Polusa Imperio
    - Who will be last. (2p) Yugosokia
    - Which female player will get the best placing (1p)? San Minino
    - Which non- english song will do best? (1p) Polusa Imperio
    - Predict your own placing (2p) 21st

    3. Predict which nations will make top 5 (1p/each)
    1. Polusa Imperio
    2. Inspireland
    3. Sarnavia
    4. Sheepmark
    5. Balunistan

    3 points
  13. 1. The 12's: Predict the 12 points of every nation

    1. Moldijan: Empelia
    2. Lululand: Sheepmark
    3. Inspireland: Jamoukovia
    4. Planet Janet: Sarnavia
    5. Tildemarte: Stokkanslåndet
    6. Yugosokia: Il Regno
    7. Oswaldia: Empelia
    8. Empelia: Moldijan
    9. Furnyland: Il Regno
    10. State of the Ark: ?
    11. Echelon: Villa Badia
    12. San Minino: Nektarland
    13. Villa Badia: Empelia
    14. Polusa Imperio: Inspireland
    15. Nektarland: Jamoukovia
    16. Sarnavia: Sheepmark
    17. Nigaristan: Il Regno
    18. Blunoti: Balunistan
    19. iLand: San Minino
    20. Il Regno: Jamoukovia
    21. Stokkanslandet: Tirgolau
    22. Jamoukovia: Empelia
    23. Sheepmark: Lululand
    24. Tirgolau: Inspireland
    25. Balunistan: Echelon

    2. Other questions:
    - Who will be the winner (3p): Jamoukovia
    - Who will be last. (2p): Sota
    - Which female player will get the best placing (1p)? Echelon
    - Which non- english song will do best? (1p) Jamoukovia
    - Predict your own placing (2p) 24

    3. Predict which nations will make top 5 (1p/each)
    1. Jamoukovia
    2. Empelia
    3. Il Regno
    4. Nektarland
    5. Villa Badia
    7 points
  14. James ... and his things xD

    1. The 12's: Predict the 12 points of every nation

    1. Moldijan: blunoti
    2. Lululand: sheepmark
    3. Inspireland: san minino
    4. Planet Janet: sota
    5. Tildemarte: lululand
    6. Yugosokia: inspireland
    7. Oswaldia: tildemarte
    8. Empelia: blunoti
    9. Furnyland: empelia
    10. State of the Ark: empelia
    11. Echelon: sota
    12. San Minino: echelon
    13. Villa Badia: balunistan
    14. Polusa Imperio: oswaldia
    15. Nektarland: moldijan
    16. Sarnavia: tildemarte
    17. Nigaristan: inspireland
    18. Blunoti: polusa imperio
    19. iLand: sarnavia
    20. Il Regno: empelia
    21. Stokkanslandet: tirgolau
    22. Jamoukovia:-
    23. Sheepmark: lululand
    24. Tirgolau: stokkanslandet
    25. Balunistan: echelon

    2. Other questions:
    - Who will be the winner (3p): san minino
    - Who will be last. (2p): nigaristan
    - Which female player will get the best placing (1p)? san minino
    - Which non- english song will do best? (1p) empelia
    - Predict your own placing (2p) 14th

    3. Predict which nations will make top 5 (1p/each)
    1. san minino
    2. empelia
    4. echelon
    8 Points
  15. Wiggles Administrator

    1. The 12's: Predict the 12 points of every nation

    1. Moldijan: Empelia
    2. Lululand: Empelia
    3. Inspireland: Echelon
    4. Planet Janet: Sarnavia
    5. Tildemarte: Støkkanslåndet
    6. Yugosokia: Nektarland
    7. Oswaldia: Tildemarte
    8. Empelia: Blunoti
    9. Furnyland: Echelon
    10. State of the Ark: Villa Badia
    11. Echelon: Jamoukovia
    12. San Minino: Villa Badia
    13. Villa Badia: Empelia
    14. Polusa Imperio: Russell's teapot
    15. Nektarland: Nigaristan
    16. Sarnavia: Il Regno
    17. Nigaristan: Yugosokia
    18. Blunoti: State of the Ark
    19. iLand: Sarnavia
    20. Il Regno: Jamoukovia
    21. Støkkanslåndet: Tirgolau
    22. Jamoukovia: San Minino
    23. Sheepmark: Il Regno
    24. Tirgolau: Støkkanslåndet
    25. Balunistan: State of the Ark

    2. Other questions:
    - Who will be the winner (3p):
    Villa Badia

    - Who will be last. (2p)

    - Which female player will get the best placing (1p)?

    - Which non- english song will do best? (1p)

    - Predict your own placing (2p)

    3. Predict which nations will make top 5 (1p/each)
    1. Villa Badia
    2. Echelon
    3. Empelia
    4. Sarnavia
    5. Støkkanslåndet
    7 points
  16. Genesis2703 Pointless

    1. The 12's: Predict the 12 points of every nation

    1. Moldijan: Empelia
    2. Lululand: Sheepmark
    3. Inspireland: Jamoukovia
    4. Planet Janet: Villa Badia
    5. Tildemarte: Stokkanslandet
    6. Yugosokia: San Minino
    7. Oswaldia: Villa Badia
    8. Empelia: Jamoukovia
    9. Furnyland: II Regno
    10. State of the Ark: Echelon
    11. Echelon: SOTA
    12. San Minino: Inspireland
    13. Villa Badia: Balunistan
    14. Polusa Imperio: Villa Badia
    15. Nektarland: Polusa Imperio
    16. Sarnavia: :nope:
    17. Nigaristan: Polusa Imperio
    18. Blunoti: San Minino
    19. iLand: Inspireland
    20. Il Regno: Jamoukovia
    21. Stokkanslandet: Polusa Imperio
    22. Jamoukovia: Empelia
    23. Sheepmark: Polusa Imperio
    24. Tirgolau: Stokanslandet
    25. Balunistan: Inspireland

    2. Other questions:
    - Who will be the winner (3p): Polusa Imperio
    - Who will be last. (2p) Yugosokia
    - Which female player will get the best placing (1p)? San Minino
    - Which non- english song will do best? (1p) Polusa Imperio
    - Predict your own placing (2p) 11th

    3. Predict which nations will make top 5 (1p/each)
    1. Inspireland
    2. Polusa Imperio
    3. Balunistan
    4. Empelia
    5. Villa Badia
    5 points
  17. adamacs RUTH DAVIDSON FOR PM.

    we can't have 2703 as the most recent post - that avatar is for my eyes only, not for the riff raff to ogle
  18. Wiggles Administrator

  19. Gian My avatar is fat and frumpy

    1. The 12's:
    Predict the 12 points of every nation

    1. Moldijan: :P *God Knows* :P
    2. Lululand: Sarnavia
    3. Inspireland: iLand
    4. Planet Janet: Stokkanslandet
    5. Tildemarte: Custonia
    6. Yugosokia: Polusa Imperio
    7. Oswaldia: Villa Badia
    8. Empelia: Sarnavia
    9. Furnyland: Inspireland
    10. State of the Ark: Echelon
    11. Echelon: SOTA
    12. San Minino: Sarnavia
    13. Villa Badia: San Minino
    14. Polusa Imperio: Blunoti
    15. Nektarland: San Minino
    16. Sarnavia: Nigaristan
    17. Nigaristan: Inspireland
    18. Blunoti: Tirgolau
    19. iLand: Nigaristan
    20. Il Regno: Jamoukovia
    21. Stokkanslandet: Sheepmark
    22. Jamoukovia: Empelia
    23. Sheepmark: Stokkanslandet
    24. Tirgolau: Tildemarte
    25. Balunistan: Inspireland

    2. Other questions:
    - Who will be the winner (3p): Inspireland
    - Who will be last. (2p) Balunistan
    - Which female player will get the best placing (1p)? San Minino
    - Which non- english song will do best? (1p) Empelia
    - Predict your own placing (2p) 18th

    3. Predict which nations will make top 5 (1p/each)
    1. Inspireland
    2. San Minino
    3. Polusa Imperio
    4. Empelia
    5. Yugosokia
    5 points

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