•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Prediction poll

  1. Q1: Where will the nations 12's go to?
    1. LuLuLand: iLand
    2. Blunoti: Støkkanslåndet
    3. Empelia: San Minino
    4. Inspireland: Jamoukovia
    5. Custonia: Jamoukovia
    6. State of the Ark: Tildemarte
    7. Villa Badia: Sarnavia
    8. Sarnavia: Empelia
    9. Maggalonia: Yugosokia
    10. Nektarland: Polusa Imperio
    11. Echelon: State of the Ark
    12. Støkkanslåndet: iLand
    13. Il Regno d'Italofilia: Jamoukovia
    14: Polusa Imperio: Støkkanslåndet
    15. Furnyland: Maggalonia
    16. San Minino: Empelia
    17. Tildemarte: Balunistan
    18. Sheepmark: Masiosare
    19. Planet Janet: Balunistan
    20. iland: Inspireland
    21. Moldijan: San Minino
    22. Jamoukovia: Custonia
    23. Nigaristan: Echelon
    24. Balunistan: Maggalonia
    25. Yugosokia: Maggalonia

    Q2: Who will be the winner? Jamoukovia

    Q3: Which French song will do best: Empelia or San Minino? Empelia

    Q4: Who will win the battle of the brothers: Polusa Imperio or Maggalonia? Maggalonia

    Q5: Who will get the toilet? Yugosokia

    Q6: Which 5 nations do you predict in the top 5?
    1. Balunistan
    2. Empelia
    3. Inspireland
    4. Jamoukovia
    5. Sarnavia

    10 points
  2. Q1: Where will the nations 12's go to?

    1. Lululand: Sheepmark
    2. Blunoti: Moldijan
    3. Empelia: San Minino
    4. Inspireland: Jamoukovia
    5. Oswaldia: Jamoukovia
    6. State of the Ark: ?
    7. Villa Badia: Custonia
    8. Sarnavia: Balunistan
    9. Maggalonia: Blunoti
    10. Nektarland: Sheepmark
    11. Echelon: Inspireland
    12. Stokkanslandet: Balunistan
    13. Il Regno: Empelia
    14: Polusa Imperio: Stokkanslåndet
    15. Furnyland: Inspireland
    16. San Minino: Empelia
    17. Tildemarte: Il Regno
    18. Sheepmark: Blunoti
    19. Planet Janet: Inspireland
    20. iland: Balunistan
    21. Moldijan: Empelia
    22. Jamoukovia: Custonia
    23. Nigaristan: Sarnavia
    24. Balunistan: Jamoukovia
    25. Yugosokia: Stokkanslåndet

    Q2: Who will be the winner? (3p):

    Q3: Which French song will do best: Empelia or San Minino? (1p)

    Q4: Who will win the battle of the brothers: Polusa Imperio or Maggalonia? (1p) Polusa

    Q5: Who will get the toilet? (2p) Villa Badia

    Q6: Which 5 nations do you predict in the top 5? (random order) (1p each):

    1. Empelia
    2. Inspireland
    3. Jamoukovia
    4. Custonia
    5. Balunistan
    10 points
  3. Wiggles Administrator

    Q1: Where will the nations 12's go to? (1p/ correct answer)

    1. Lululand: Støkkanslåndet
    2. Blunoti: Villa Badia
    3. Empelia: Jamoukovia
    4. Inspireland: Balunistan
    5. Oswaldia: Jamoukovia
    6. State of the Ark: Inspireland
    7. Villa Badia: Empelia
    8. Sarnavia: Inspireland
    9. Maggalonia: Sarnavia
    10.Nektarland: LuluLand
    11. Echelon: State of the Ark
    12. Støkkanslåndet: iLand
    13. Il Regno: Støkkanslåndet
    14: Polusa Imperio: #N/A!
    15. Furnyland: Inspireland
    16. San Minino: Maggalonia
    17. Tildemarte: Villa Badia
    18. Sheepmark: Støkkanslåndet
    19. Planet Janet: State of the Ark
    20. iland: Sheepmark
    21. Moldijan: San Minino
    22. Jamoukovia: Planet Janet
    23. Nigaristan: Maggalonia
    24. Balunistan: LuluLand
    25. Yugosokia: Moldijan

    Q2: Who will be the winner? (3p):

    Q3: Which French song will do best: Empelia or San Minino? (1p)

    Q4: Who will win the battle of the brothers: Polusa Imperio or Maggalonia? (1p)

    Q5: Who will get the toilet? (2p)

    Q6: Which 5 nations do you predict in the top 5? (random order) (1p each):

    1. Jamoukovia
    2. Villa Badia
    3. Planet Janet
    4. Inspireland
    5. Støkkanslåndet
    8 points
  4. CTP Jass hater

    Q1: Where will the nations 12's go to? (1p/ correct answer)

    1. Lululand: Polusa Imperio
    2. Blunoti: Villa Badia
    3. Empelia: Jamoukovia
    4. Inspireland: Balunistan
    5. Oswaldia: Jamoukovia
    6. State of the Ark: Inspireland
    7. Villa Badia: Empelia
    8. Sarnavia: Inspireland
    9. Maggalonia: Sarnavia
    10.Nektarland: LuluLand
    11. Echelon: State of the Ark
    12. Støkkanslåndet: NaN
    13. Il Regno: Polusa Imperio
    14: Polusa Imperio: Yugosokia
    15. Furnyland: Inspireland
    16. San Minino: Maggalonia
    17. Tildemarte: Villa Badia
    18. Sheepmark: Polusa Imperio
    19. Planet Janet: State of the Ark
    20. iland: Sheepmark
    21. Moldijan: San Minino
    22. Jamoukovia: Planet Janet
    23. Nigaristan: Maggalonia
    24. Balunistan: LuluLand
    25. Yugosokia: Moldijan

    Q2: Who will be the winner? (3p):
    Polusa Imperio

    Q3: Which French song will do best: Empelia or San Minino? (1p)

    Q4: Who will win the battle of the brothers: Polusa Imperio or Maggalonia? (1p)

    Q5: Who will get the toilet? (2p)

    Q6: Which 5 nations do you predict in the top 5? (random order) (1p each):

    1. Jamoukovia
    2. Villa Badia
    3. Planet Janet
    4. Inspireland
    5. Polusa Imperio
  5. EuroCusto Member

    Q1: Where will the nations 12's go to? (1p/ correct answer)

    1. LuLuLand: Jamoukovia
    2. Blunoti: Sheepmark
    3. Empelia: San Minino
    4. Inspireland: Jamoukovia
    5. Custonia:
    6. State of the Ark: Jamoukovia
    7. Villa Badia: Jamoukovia
    8. Sarnavia: Blunoti
    9. Maggalonia: Balunistan
    10. Nektarland: Sheepmark
    11. Echelon: State of the Ark
    12. Støkkanslåndet: Balunistan
    13. Il Regno d'Italofilia: Empelia
    14. Polusa Imperio: Sheepmark
    15. Furnyland: Inspireland
    16. San Minino: Empelia
    17. Tildemarte: Sheepmark
    18. Sheepmark: Jamoukovia
    19. Planet Janet: Tildemarte
    20. iland: Villa Badia
    21. Moldijan: Tildemarte
    22. Jamoukovia: Empelia
    23. Nigaristan: Nektarland
    24. Balunistan: Inspireland
    25. Yugosokia: Polusa Imperio

    Q2: Who will be the winner? (3p):


    Q3: Which French song will do best: Empelia or San Minino? (1p)


    Q4: Who will win the battle of the brothers: Polusa Imperio or Maggalonia? (1p)

    Polusa Imperio

    Q5: Who will get the toilet? (2p)

    Planet Janet

    Q6: Which 5 nations do you predict in the top 5? (random order) (1p each):

    1. Empelia
    2. Inspireland
    3. Jamoukovia
    4. LuLuLand
    5. Sheepmark
    9 points
  6. James ... and his things xD

    Q1: Where will the nations 12's go to? (1p/ correct answer)

    1. Lululand: villa badia
    2. Blunoti: yugosokia
    3. Empelia: san minino
    4. Inspireland: sheepmark
    5. Oswaldia: jamoukovia
    6. State of the Ark: inspireland
    7. Villa Badia: polusa imperio
    8. Sarnavia: tildemarte
    9. Maggalonia: blunoti
    10.Nektarland; jamoukovia
    11. Echelon: inspireland
    12. Stokkanslandet: il regno
    13. Il Regno: balunistan
    14: Polusa Imperio: stokkanslandet
    15. Furnyland: inspireland
    16. San Minino: balunistan
    17. Tildemarte: polusa imperio
    18. Sheepmark: stokkanslandet
    19. Planet Janet: balunistan
    20. iland: sheepmark
    21. Moldijan: jamoukovia
    22. Jamoukovia: stokkanslandet
    23. Nigaristan: maggalonia
    24. Balunistan: state of the ark
    25. Yugosokia: nigaristan

    Q2: Who will be the winner? (3p): jamoukovia

    Q3: Which French song will do best: Empelia or San Minino? (1p) san minino

    Q4: Who will win the battle of the brothers: Polusa Imperio or Maggalonia? (1p) polusa imperio

    Q5: Who will get the toilet? (2p) nigaristan

    Q6: Which 5 nations do you predict in the top 5? (random order) (1p each):

    1. Jamoukovia
    2. Sheepmark
    3. Polusa Imperio
    4. Inspireland
    5. Balunistan

    The results:

    1.Hanita 14 points
    2. Julio/Daisy 13 points
    4. Genesis 12 points
    5. Sok/Rua/Sheep/Anette 10 points
    9. Teodor/Oswald 9 points
    11.Wiggles 8 points
    12. James/ Nessie 7 points
    14. Mark 5 points
    15. CTP DSQ

    Another edition has finished. Thanks all for participating and see you all next month in Jamoukovia!
    Genesis2703, NickEmpel and Teodor like this.
  7. Marc Member

    i was so wrong :D
    thanks for the game James

    Why was CTP disqualified? (Not for suggesting Jamoukovia would give Planet Janet 12, surely :o)

    YAY Thanks James :D
  10. James ... and his things xD

    Also for edition 53 there will be a prediction poll.

    1. The 12's: predict the 12 points

    1. Furnyland:
    2. Empelia:
    3. San Minino:
    4. Tildemarte:
    5. Villa Badia:
    6. Planet Janet:
    7. Moldijan:
    8. Balunistan:
    9. Sarnavia:
    10. Il Regno:
    11. Inspireland:
    12: State of the Ark:
    13. iLand:
    14. Polusa Imperio:
    15. Nektarland:
    16. Oswaldia:
    17. Echelon:
    18. Stokkanslandet
    19. Yugosokia:
    20. Blunoti:
    21. Sheepmark:
    22. Jamoukovia:
    23. Lululand:
    24. Nigaristan:

    2. Random questions

    - Who will be the winner? (3p)

    - Who will get the toilet? (2p):

    - Which female player will get the best result? (1p):

    - Which non English song will get the best result? (1p):

    - How many 12's will the winner receive? (1p):

    - How many people will vote for the bottom song? (1p): do not answer

    - How many points will the bottom song receive? (1p): do not answer
  11. Rua Haldor Lægreid Impersonator

    1. Furnyland: Il Regno d'Italofilia
    2. Empelia: Jamoukovia
    3. San Minino: Inspireland
    4. Tildemarte: :mal:
    5. Villa Badia: Sarnavia
    6. Planet Janet: Balunistan
    7. Moldijan: Sarnavia
    8. Balunistan: Sheepmark
    9. Sarnavia: Empelia
    10. Il Regno: Villa Badia
    11. Inspireland: Echelon
    12: State of the Ark: San Minino
    13. iLand: Echelon
    14. Polusa Imperio: Stokkanslandet
    15. Nektarland: Sheepmark
    16. Oswaldia: Il Regno d'Italofilia
    17. Echelon: San Minino
    18. Stokkanslandet: Sheepmark
    19. Yugosokia: Polusa Imperio
    20. Blunoti: Jamoukovia
    21. Sheepmark: Il Regno d'Italofilia
    22. Jamoukovia: Inspireland
    23. Lululand: Polusa Imperio
    24. Nigaristan: LuLuLand

    2. Random questions

    - Who will be the winner? (3p) Sheepmark

    - Who will get the toilet? (2p): LuLuLand

    - Which female player will get the best result? (1p): Echelon

    - Which non English song will get the best result? (1p): Jamoukovia

    - How many 12's will the winner receive? (1p): Three.

    - How many people will vote for the bottom song? (1p): removed

    - How many points will the bottom song receive? (1p): removed

    8 points
  12. Marc Member

    1. The 12's: predict the 12 points

    1. Furnyland: State of the Ark
    2. Empelia: Jamoukovia
    3. San Minino: Inspireland
    4. Tildemarte: Sheepmark
    5. Villa Badia: Moldijan
    6. Planet Janet: State of the Ark
    7. Moldijan: Sarnavia
    8. Balunistan: Stokkanslandet
    9. Sarnavia: Moldijan
    10. Il Regno: Inspireland
    11. Inspireland: Tildemarte
    12: State of the Ark: San Minino
    13. iLand: Il Regno d'Italofilia
    14. Polusa Imperio: Stokkanslandet
    15. Nektarland: Villa Badia
    16. Oswaldia: Villa Badia
    17. Echelon: State of the Ark
    18. Stokkanslandet: Il Regno d'Italofilia
    19. Yugosokia: Polusa Imperio
    20. Blunoti: :cool:
    21. Sheepmark: Il Regno d'Italofilia
    22. Jamoukovia: Il Regno d'Italofilia
    23. Lululand: Nektarland
    24. Nigaristan: Planet Janet

    2. Random questions

    - Who will be the winner? (3p) Il Regno d'Italofilia

    - Who will get the toilet? (2p): LuLuLand

    - Which female player will get the best result? (1p): State of the Ark

    - Which non English song will get the best result? (1p): Modijan

    - How many 12's will the winner receive? (1p): 5

    - How many people will vote for the bottom song? (1p): removed

    - How many points will the bottom song receive? (1p): removed

    6 points
  13. Julio STRANGLES

    1. The 12's: predict the 12 points

    1. Furnyland: Jamoukovia
    2. Empelia: Il Regno d'Italofilia
    3. San Minino: Balunistan
    4. Tildemarte: Sarnavia
    5. Villa Badia: Polusa Imperio
    6. Planet Janet: State of the Ark
    7. Moldijan: Custonia
    8. Balunistan: State of the Ark
    9. Sarnavia: Empelia
    10. Il Regno: Nektarland
    11. Inspireland: :barefoot:
    12: State of the Ark: Echelon
    13. iLand: Moldijan
    14. Polusa Imperio: Tildemarte
    15. Nektarland: Custonia
    16. Oswaldia: Villa Badia
    17. Echelon: State of the Ark
    18. Stokkanslandet: Polusa Imperio
    19. Yugosokia: Polusa Imperio
    20. Blunoti: Yugosokia
    21. Sheepmark: Jamoukovia
    22. Jamoukovia: Villa Badia
    23. Lululand: Custonia
    24. Nigaristan: Moldijan

    2. Random questions

    - Who will be the winner? (3p) State of the Ark

    - Who will get the toilet? (2p): LuLuLand

    - Which female player will get the best result? (1p): State of the Ark

    - Which non English song will get the best result? (1p): Jamoukovia

    - How many 12's will the winner receive? (1p): 3

    - How many people will vote for the bottom song? (1p): removed

    - How many points will the bottom song receive? (1p): removed.

    4 points
  14. Wiggles Administrator

    1. The 12's: predict the 12 points

    1. Furnyland: State of the Ark
    2. Empelia: Jamoukovia
    3. San Minino: Yugosokia
    4. Tildemarte: Empelia
    5. Villa Badia: Custonia
    6. Planet Janet: Jamoukovia
    7. Moldijan: Villa Badia
    8. Balunistan: Støkkanslåndet
    9. Sarnavia: Echelon
    10. Il Regno: Sheepmark
    11. Inspireland: Lululand
    12: State of the Ark: State of the Ark
    13. iLand: Empelia
    14. Polusa Imperio: Inca Empire
    15. Nektarland: Inspireland
    16. Oswaldia: Inspireland
    17. Echelon: Custonia
    18. Stokkanslandet: Sheepmark
    19. Yugosokia: Inspireland
    20. Blunoti: Jamoukovia
    21. Sheepmark: Inspireland
    22. Jamoukovia: Inspireland
    23. Lululand: Custonia
    24. Nigaristan: Yugosokia

    2. Random questions

    - Who will be the winner? (3p): Jamoukovia

    - Who will get the toilet? (2p): iLand

    - Which female player will get the best result? (1p): Anette

    - Which non English song will get the best result? (1p): Jamoukovia

    - How many 12's will the winner receive? (1p): 3

    - How many people will vote for the bottom song? (1p): removed

    - How many points will the bottom song receive? (1p): removed
    5 points
  15. 1. The 12's: predict the 12 points

    1. Furnyland: Il Regno
    2. Empelia: Inspireland
    3. San Minino: Blunoti
    4. Tildemarte: Nektarland
    5. Villa Badia: Polusa
    6. Planet Janet: Balunistan
    7. Moldijan: Sarnavia
    8. Balunistan: Blunoti
    9. Sarnavia: Empelia
    10. Il Regno: Nektarland
    11. Inspireland: Empelia
    12: State of the Ark: ?
    13. iLand: Blunoti
    14. Polusa Imperio: Yugosokia
    15. Nektarland: Il Regno
    16. Oswaldia: Villa Badia
    17. Echelon: Il Regno
    18. Stokkanslandet: Polusa
    19. Yugosokia: Inspireland
    20. Blunoti: San Minino
    21. Sheepmark: Il Regno
    22. Jamoukovia: Villa Badia
    23. Lululand: Custonia
    24. Nigaristan: Yugosokia

    2. Random questions

    - Who will be the winner? (3p) Il Regno

    - Who will get the toilet? (2p): Lululand

    - Which female player will get the best result? (1p): Echelon

    - Which non English song will get the best result? (1p): Jamoukovia

    - How many 12's will the winner receive? (1p): 4

    - How many people will vote for the bottom song? (1p): removed

    - How many points will the bottom song receive? (1p): removed
    9 points
  16. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    I suggest that you don't answer the last 2 questions because some people are responding with answers that make it obvious that they didn't vote for the song that they predict will receive the toilet.

    That reveals a voting intention, which is against the rules.
  17. sokrates1988 I HATE EUROVISION

    1. Furnyland: Regno
    2. Empelia: Inspireland
    3. San Minino: Yugosokia
    4. Tildemarte: Scheepmark
    5. Villa Badia: Custonia
    6. Planet Janet: Regno
    7. Moldijan: Inspireland
    8. Balunistan: Yugosokia
    9. Sarnavia: Empelia
    10. Il Regno: Inspireland
    11. Inspireland: Regno
    12: State of the Ark: Inspireland
    13. iLand: Jamoukovia
    14. Polusa Imperio: Planet Janet
    15. Nektarland: Scheepmark
    16. Oswaldia: Villa Badia
    17. Echelon: State of the Ark
    18. Stokkanslandet Yugosokia
    19. Yugosokia: Cyprus
    20. Blunoti: Empelia
    21. Sheepmark: Regno
    22. Jamoukovia: Blunoti
    23. Lululand: Scheepmark
    24. Nigaristan: Yugosokia

    2. Random questions

    - Who will be the winner? (3p) Inspireland

    - Who will get the toilet? (2p): Lululand

    - Which female player will get the best result? (1p): state of the ark

    - Which non English song will get the best result? (1p): Inspireland

    - How many 12's will the winner receive? (1p): 4
    4 points
  18. NickEmpel BURGER AND FRIES

    1. The 12's: predict the 12 points

    1. Furnyland: Sheepmark
    2. Empelia: :music:
    3. San Minino: Jamoukovia
    4. Tildemarte: Sarnavia
    5. Villa Badia: Oswaldia
    6. Planet Janet: San Minino
    7. Moldijan: Sarnavia
    8. Balunistan: State of the Ark
    9. Sarnavia: Sheepmark
    10. Il Regno: Nektarland
    11. Inspireland: Jamoukovia
    12: State of the Ark: San Minino
    13. iLand: Echelon
    14. Polusa Imperio: Blunoti
    15. Nektarland: Nigaristan
    16. Oswaldia: Sheepmark
    17. Echelon: Balunistan
    18. Stokkanslandet: Il Regno D'Italofilia
    19. Yugosokia: Polusa Imperio
    20. Blunoti: Jamoukovia
    21. Sheepmark: Sarnavia
    22. Jamoukovia: Sheepmark
    23. Lululand: Balunistan
    24. Nigaristan: Yugosokia

    2. Random questions

    - Who will be the winner? (3p): Sheepmark

    - Who will get the toilet? (2p): LuLuLand

    - Which female player will get the best result? (1p): Sandera

    - Which non English song will get the best result? (1p): Sarnavia

    - How many 12's will the winner receive? (1p): Three
    4 points
  19. Genesis2703 Pointless

    1. The 12's: predict the 12 points

    1. Furnyland: Sheepmark
    2. Empelia: II Regno
    3. San Minino: Jamoukovia
    4. Tildemarte: Sheepmark
    5. Villa Badia: Empelia
    6. Planet Janet: Jamoukovia
    7. Moldijan: Sarnavia (I can always hope)
    8. Balunistan: State of the Ark
    9. Sarnavia: Secrets ;)
    10. Il Regno: Empelia
    11. Inspireland: Empelia
    12: State of the Ark: Ill Regno
    13. iLand: Echelon
    14. Polusa Imperio: Sheepmark
    15. Nektarland: Polusa Imperio
    16. Oswaldia: stokkandslandet
    17. Echelon: II Regno
    18. Stokkanslandet: II Regno
    19. Yugosokia: Balunistan
    20. Blunoti: Inspireland
    21. Sheepmark: State of the Ark
    22. Jamoukovia: Inspireland
    23. Lululand: Echelon
    24. Nigaristan: Villa Badia

    2. Random questions

    - Who will be the winner? (3p) Sheepmark

    - Who will get the toilet? (2p): LuLuLand

    - Which female player will get the best result? (1p): State of the Ark

    - Which non English song will get the best result? (1p): Inspireland

    - How many 12's will the winner receive? (1p): 4
    5 points
  20. James ... and his things xD

    1. The 12's: predict the 12 points

    1. Furnyland: Echelon
    2. Empelia: Inspireland
    3. San Minino: Balunistan
    4. Tildemarte: Sheepmark
    5. Villa Badia: Polusa Imperio
    6. Planet Janet: Balunistan
    7. Moldijan: Villa Badia
    8. Balunistan: Il Regno
    9. Sarnavia: Villa Badia
    10. Il Regno: Sarnavia
    11. Inspireland: Sarnavia
    12: State of the Ark: Echelon
    13. iLand: Sheepmark
    14. Polusa Imperio: Inspireland
    15. Nektarland: Il regno
    16. Oswaldia: Polusa imperio
    17. Echelon: Polusa imperio
    18. Stokkanslandet Planet janet
    19. Yugosokia: Blunoti
    20. Blunoti: Sheepmark
    21. Sheepmark: Il regno
    22. Jamoukovia: Gailsinki
    23. Lululand: Oswaldia
    24. Nigaristan: Blunoti

    2. Random questions

    - Who will be the winner? (3p) Echelon

    - Who will get the toilet? (2p): iLand

    - Which female player will get the best result? (1p): Sandera

    - Which non English song will get the best result? (1p): Inspireland

    - How many 12's will the winner receive? (1p):3
    5 points

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