•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Turkey 2009


What do you think about Dum Tek Tek?

I love it 6 vote(s) 31.6%
I like it 6 vote(s) 31.6%
It's ok 2 vote(s) 10.5%
I hate it 5 vote(s) 26.3%
  1. Mina Member with a "past"

    Happy Hadise Day everyone:D...and here is where we post our thoughts on dum tek tek.
    Personally I like it...it's catchy and I'm sure it will be in the top 10...and if Turkey puts on a good show, it could even win (televoting for sure, not sure about juries).
  2. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    I'M JUST CRAZY FOR HADISE!!!! ... but I voted I like it :D

    When the song was first revealed I really liked it, then I went through a phased of finding it a bit naff, now i'm starting to quite like it again :cool:

    As to where it will finish I don't know. Well obv its gonna finish reasonably high but the juries placed Turkey 14th in 2007 with a similar sort of song, so I reckon Turkey will finish low to mid top 10 :D
  3. A similar thing happened to me. I loved it when it was first released, but slowly each time I've listened to it, I've just found it less and less entertaining - this was also the case with "Everyway That I Can". I like it but it feels too formulaic and I don't know why the Turks weren't spamming like crazy for Mor ve Ötesi like they do for Hadise - maybe she just brings the worst out in people.

    It's top 10 for sure, but Sirusho was a long way behind Dima last year and it's going to be the same case with Hadise..."Qele, Qele" was far better anyway :P
  4. MILKshake  

    i like this song as generally i like the Turkish entries every each year - dum tek tek it got a really nice catchy tune with Turkish elements.. that always worked in the past to achieved a good position in the final scoreboard..

    i am sure this song it'll pass for the finals :P
  5. Mark New Member

    I just really hate it, the woman is butt ugly, she can't sing to save her life, the song is as crap and annoying as another shit this year, and it's just urgh !! just soooo annoying !! espc. that 1st part going de de de - Why can't Turkey do something different !! :@:@
  6. Kevin New Member

    i just loooooooooooooove hadise ::D

    shes the best thing sinced sliced bread, and shes totally gonna win


    shes the best singer ever, and everyone loves düm tek tek


    not! its unbelievable how much i hate the song purely coz of spammers
  7. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    I love Hadise so much i've devoted my entire signature to her!!
  8. Kevin New Member


    thats what you can devotion
  9. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    OMG theres an article about Hadise on esctoday!!! :D OK I know, lets take guesses at how many reactions it will get ...

    I'm gonna go for 800 given that there are a hell of alot of angry people in there already argueing ..

    ( http://esctoday.com/news/read/13676 )

    **UPDATE!! The moderators are on the rampage so it looks like we won't smash the record!**
  10. It's an OK song for me. I have it in 14th place in semi 1 :o
  11. DumTekTek Can you feel the rhythm in my heart?

    My all time favorite song is DUM TEK TEK <3
    I love Hadise so much, she was ill at Eurovision stage but i don't care. She did really good job :)
  12. I like how you've bumped a 4 year old thread to inform us all of this. :P
    Scheeples: preaching truth since '09, respect bitches.
  13. sissel kvamme Active Member

    i do love this song... still playing it...

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