•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

No Portugal in 2013

  1. Julio STRANGLES

    RTP confirmed today that we will not take part in Eurovsion 2013, the also say they do not discard a return in 2014 however will be unlikely.

  2. Wiggles Administrator

    Well, fiddlesticks. I hope they have a good holiday and come back soon.
  3. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    Hi CTP.

    It is a shame indeed, but I wouldn't consider the source where it came from to be particularly authoritative, so I'd wait and see (all other sources for the story are citing the same original source). There is still time for a special deal (reduced fees etc) to be agreed by the EBU.

    whattttttttttttttttttttt? hope not!!!!

    I think that second part is really important: EBU can offered them reduced fees (or go JESC style and offer no fee at all...)
  6. Mina Member with a "past"

    Oh, no! I hope something can be done and that decision will change :(
  7. sokrates1988 I HATE EUROVISION

    so sad if this happens, there will be a huge hole next year if Portugal dont take part
  8. Julio STRANGLES

    and rtp just confirmed it http://www.rtp.pt/icmblogs/rtp/comu...TIVAL-EUROVISAO-DA-CANCAO-2013.rtp&post=42457


    Regardind the improvement of public service television there will be a bigger support for the creation and Portuguese production. That way, in 2013, RTP will bring the public a new programming model in which music and musicians Portuguese have a very important role. Make an event capable of achieving the launch of new values ​​that may be the leading interpreters of the music of the future Portuguese and bring in new dignity to the participation of performers and composers in a national public service program of comprehensive and quality is the goal RTP.

    Knowing that the current situation does not allow budget may accumulate events, so there are those who choose to bring greater dignity while being more comprehensive, RTP authorities announced today at its non-participation in the Eurofestival in Sweden in 2013.
  9. Mina Member with a "past"

    I hate RTP o_O
    Luis DLC, MagicGianluk and Julio like this.
  10. Gian My avatar is fat and frumpy

    As I already mentioned,
    I think the participation in ESC shouldn't only be related to TVs,
    we can't let TVs decide for everyone!
  11. OskarEvansBaker New Member

    I have a soft spot for Portugal. I always want them to do better. For me,most of what i would consider their best entries deserved higher scores/placings than they ended up with. :(
  12. sokrates1988 I HATE EUROVISION

    every year whatever they sent they got ignored :( its very annoying when countrys are winning after a handfull of appearances and Portugal still wait after 50 years for a win :(

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