•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Otting beds 2017

  1. Julio STRANGLES

    Even if this means absolutely nothing by now here are the current odds of the countries with songs, I'll add a country on the day after they select a song.

    01 - :uk: United Kingdom (new)
    02 - :fi: Finland (new)
    03 - :by: Belarus (new)
    04 - :ge: Georgia (new)
    05 - :al: Albania (new)
  2. DenDutch Well-Known Member

    HFc to Switzerland, Portugal, Austria, Spain, Belgium, Albania, Moldova and San Marino on having a smaller chance of winning Eurovision than the Republicans.
    Genesis2703 likes this.
  3. sokrates1988 I HATE EUROVISION

    The republicans won so they should be getting ready to party :up:
  4. Julio STRANGLES

    not anymore :cool: [IMG]
    DenDutch likes this.
  5. Julio STRANGLES


    1 - :uk: United Kingdom (=)
    2 - :fi: Finland (=)
    3 - :ch: Switzerland (new)
    4 - :by: Belarus (-1)
    5 - :ge: Georgia (-1)
    6 - :al: Albania (-1)
  6. Julio STRANGLES

    1 - :uk: United Kingdom (=)
    2 - :fr: France (new)
    3 - :fi: Finland (-1)
    4 - :de: Germany (new)
    5 - :al: Albania (+1)
    6 - :by: Belarus (-2)
    7 - :ge: Georgia (-2)
    8 - :ch: Switzerland (-5)
  7. Julio STRANGLES

    01 - :uk: United Kingdom (=)
    02 - :it: Italy (new)
    03 - :fr: France (-1)
    04 - :fi: Finland (-1)
    05 - :al: Albania (=)
    06 - :ch: Switzerland (+2)
    07 - :by: Belarus (-1)
    08 - :ge: Georgia (-1)
    09 - :de: Germany (-5)
    10 - :es: Spain (new)
  8. Julio STRANGLES

    01 - :it: Italy (+1)
    02 - :pl: Poland (new)
    03 - :fr: France (=)
    04 - :uk: United Kingdom (-3)
    05 - :fi: Finland (-1)
    06 - :mt: Malta (new)
    07 - :hu: Hungary (new)
    08 - :ge: Georgia (=)
    09 - :by: Belarus (-2)
    10 - :de: Germany (-1)
    11 - :al: Albania (-6)
    12 - :es: Spain (-2)
    13 - :ch: Switzerland (-7)
  9. Julio STRANGLES

    01 - :it: Italy (=)
    02 - :fr: France (+1)
    03 - :fi: Finland (+2)
    04 - :pl: Poland (-2)
    05 - :uk: United Kingdom (-1)
    06 - :hu: Hungary (+1)
    07 - :mt: Malta (-1)
    08 - :si: Slovenia (new)
    09 - :de: Germany (+1)
    10 - :al: Albania (+1)
    11 - :ge: Georgia (-3)
    12 - :ch: Switzerland (+1)
    13 - :by: Belarus (-4)
    14 - :es: Spain (-2)
  10. Julio STRANGLES

    01 - :it: Italy (=)
    02 - :ua: Ukraine (new)
    03 - :fr: France (-1)
    04 - :pl: Poland (=)
    05 - :fi: Finland (-2)
    06 - :dk: Denmark (new)
    07 - :uk: United Kingdom (-2)
    08 - :hu: Hungary (-2)
    09 - :mt: Malta (-2)
    10 - :md: Moldova (new)
    11 - :de: Germany (-2)
    12 - :al: Albania (-2)
    13 - :ch: Switzerland (-1)
    14 - :by: Belarus (-1)
    15 - :ge: Georgia (-4)
    16 - :si: Slovenia (-8)
    17 - :es: Spain (-3)
    Anaconda likes this.
  11. Julio STRANGLES

    01 - :it: Italy (=)
    02 - :fr: France (+1)
    03 - :dk: Denmark (+3)
    04 - :fi: Finland (+1)
    05 - :ua: Ukraine (-3)
    06 - :uk: United Kingdom (+1)
    07 - :pl: Poland (-3)
    08 - :hu: Hungary (=)
    09 - :mt: Malta (=)
    10 - :by: Belarus (+4)
    11 - :lv: Latvia (new)
    12 - :ch: Switzerland (+1)
    13 - :md: Moldova (-3)
    14 - :al: Albania (-2)
    15 - :ge: Georgia (=)
    16 - :si: Slovenia (=)
    17 - :de: Germany (-6)
    18 - :es: Spain (-1)
  12. Julio STRANGLES

    01 - :it: Italy (=)
    02 - :fr: France (=)
    03 - :dk: Denmark (=)
    04 - :fi: Finland (=)
    05 - :ua: Ukraine (=)
    06 - :uk: United Kingdom (=)
    07 - :pl: Poland (=)
    08 - :hu: Hungary (=)
    09 - :ge: Georgia (+6)
    10 - :at: Austria (new)
    11 - :by: Belarus (-1)
    12 - :lv: Latvia (-1)
    13 - :ch: Switzerland (-1)
    14 - :md: Moldova (-1)
    15 - :al: Albania (-1)
    16 - :de: Germany (+1)
    17 - :es: Spain (+1)
    18 - :mt: Malta (-9)
    19 - :si: Slovenia (-3)
    Anaconda likes this.
  13. Julio STRANGLES

    01 - :it: Italy (=)
    02 - :fr: France (=)
    03 - :fi: Finland (+1)
    04 - :dk: Denmark (-1)
    05 - :ua: Ukraine (=)
    06 - :uk: United Kingdom (=)
    07 - :pl: Poland (=)
    08 - :cy: Cyprus (new)
    09 - :hu: Hungary (-1)
    10 - :at: Austria (=)
    11 - :ge: Georgia (-2)
    12 - :lv: Latvia (=)
    13 - :by: Belarus (-2)
    14 - :es: Spain (+3)
    15 - :ch: Switzerland (-2)
    16 - :mt: Malta (+2)
    17 - :md: Moldova (-3)
    18 - :de: Germany (-2)
    19 - :al: Albania (-4)
    20 - :si: Slovenia (-1)
  14. Julio STRANGLES

    01 - :it: Italy (=)
    02 - :fr: France (=)
    03 - :dk: Denmark (+1)
    04 - :fi: Finland (-1)
    05 - :ua: Ukraine (=)
    06 - :uk: United Kingdom (=)
    07 - :pl: Poland (=)
    08 - :cy: Cyprus (=)
    09 - :hu: Hungary (=)
    10 - :by: Belarus (+3)
    11 - :es: Spain (+3)
    12 - :ch: Switzerland (+3)
    13 - :hr: Croatia (new)
    14 - :ge: Georgia (-3)
    15 - :mt: Malta (+1)
    16 - :md: Moldova (+1)
    17 - :de: Germany (+1)
    18 - :lv: Latvia (-6)
    19 - :at: Austria (-9)
    20 - :al: Albania (-1)
    21 - :si: Slovenia (-1)
    Anaconda likes this.
  15. Julio STRANGLES

    01 - :it: Italy (=)
    02 - :fr: France (=)
    03 - :nl: Holland (new)
    04 - :dk: Denmark (-1)
    05 - :fi: Finland (-1)
    06 - :ua: Ukraine (-1)
    07 - :uk: United Kingdom (-1)
    08 - :pl: Poland (-1)
    09 - :cy: Cyprus (-1)
    10 - :hu: Hungary (-1)
    11 - :de: Germany (+6)
    12 - :hr: Croatia (+1)
    13 - :ch: Switzerland (-1)
    14 - :ge: Georgia (=)
    15 - :lv: Latvia (+3)
    16 - :by: Belarus (-6)
    17 - :md: Moldova (-1)
    18 - :es: Spain (-7)
    19 - :mt: Malta (-4)
    20 - :at: Austria (-1)
    21 - :al: Albania (-1)
    22 - :si: Slovenia (-1)
  16. Julio STRANGLES

    01 - :it: Italy (=)
    02 - :ee: Estonia (new)
    03 - :fr: France (-1)
    04 - :nl: Holland (-1)
    05 - :dk: Denmark (-1)
    06 - :fi: Finland (-1)
    07 - :ua: Ukraine (-1)
    08 - :pl: Poland (=)
    09 - :uk: United Kingdom (-2)
    10 - :cy: Cyprus (-1)
    11 - :ge: Georgia (+3)
    12 - :hu: Hungary (-2)
    13 - :de: Germany (-2)
    14 - :at: Austria (+6)
    15 - :hr: Croatia (-3)
    16 - :lv: Latvia (-1)
    17 - :ch: Switzerland (-4)
    18 - :by: Belarus (-2)
    19 - :mt: Malta (=)
    20 - :es: Spain (-2)
    21 - :md: Moldova (-4)
    22 - :si: Slovenia (=)
    23 - :al: Albania (-2)
  17. Julio STRANGLES

    01 - :it: Italy (=)
    02 - :ro: Romania (new)
    03 - :ee: Estonia (-1)
    04 - :fr: France (-1)
    05 - :dk: Denmark (=)
    06 - :fi: Finland (=)
    07 - :ua: Ukraine (=)
    08 - :nl: Holland (-4)
    09 - :pl: Poland (-1)
    10 - :uk: United Kingdom (-1)
    11 - :cy: Cyprus (-1)
    12 - :pt: Portugal (new)
    13 - :ge: Georgia (-2)
    14 - :hu: Hungary (-2)
    15 - :md: Moldova (+6)
    16 - :ch: Switzerland (+1)
    17 - :at: Austria (-3)
    18 - :hr: Croatia (-3)
    19 - :de: Germany (-6)
    20 - :lv: Latvia (-4)
    21 - :by: Belarus (-3)
    22 - :es: Spain (-2)
    23 - :mt: Malta (-4)
    24 - :al: Albania (-1)
    25 - :si: Slovenia (-3)
  18. Julio STRANGLES

    01 - :it: Italy (=)
    02 - :gr: Greece (new)
    03 - :ro: Romania (-1)
    04 - :pt: Portugal (+8)
    05 - :ee: Estonia (-2)
    06 - :fr: France (-2)
    07 - :dk: Denmark (-2)
    08 - :fi: Finland (-2)
    09 - :ua: Ukraine (-2)
    10 - :nl: Holland (-2)
    11 - :pl: Poland (-2)
    12 - :uk: United Kingdom (-2)
    13 - :cy: Cyprus (-2)
    14 - :ge: Georgia (-1)
    15 - :lv: Latvia (+5)
    16 - :hu: Hungary (-2)
    17 - :ch: Switzerland (-1)
    18 - :de: Germany (+1)
    19 - :at: Austria (-2)
    20 - :by: Belarus (-1)
    21 - :hr: Croatia (-3)
    22 - :md: Moldova (-7)
    23 - :es: Spain (-1)
    24 - :al: Albania (=)
    25 - :mt: Malta (-2)
    26 - :si: Slovenia (-1)
  19. Julio STRANGLES

    01 - :it: Italy (=)
    02 - :au: Australia (new)
    03 - :pt: Portugal (+1)
    04 - :ro: Romania (-1)
    05 - :gr: Greece (-3)
    06 - :fr: France (=)
    07 - :ee: Estonia (-2)
    08 - :dk: Denmark (-1)
    09 - :fi: Finland (-1)
    10 - :ua: Ukraine (-1)
    11 - :nl: Holland (-1)
    12 - :pl: Poland (-1)
    13 - :uk: United Kingdom (-1)
    14 - :cy: Cyprus (-1)
    15 - :lv: Latvia (=)
    16 - :ge: Georgia (-2)
    17 - :hu: Hungary (-1)
    18 - :ch: Switzerland (-1)
    19 - :by: Belarus (+1)
    20 - :md: Moldova (+2)
    21 - :at: Austria (-2)
    22 - :hr: Croatia (-1)
    23 - :mt: Malta (+2)
    24 - :de: Germany (-6)
    25 - :cz: Czech Republic (new)
    26 - :es: Spain (-3)
    27 - :al: Albania (-2)
    28 - :si: Slovenia (-2)
    Anaconda likes this.
  20. Julio STRANGLES

    edited the post with :cz: as well so I wouldn't be posting it another time today

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