•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Voting system

  1. Zuñir This is Janet, not me

    After eurovision there are are always argues about the votes, and the positions obteined by some nations. Some should have done worst and others better. This is something that some newspapers from different countries in Europe have analised during these days.

    One example is the newspaper Bilds from Germany. The question is: Is the traditional voting system fair? Only 10 countries out of 27 get some points (12, 10, 8, 7, 6 ,5 ,4 ,3 ,2 and 1 points), but it doesnt means that the last country on the table is the worst. In addition, it means that some countries are under the risk of go back home without points like Germany and Austria did this year.
    Example: one country can be always around 11-16 position and dont get points and another one that is for all the countries 20 unless 1 that give them points get a better position.

    The solution suggested by some experts is makes puntuation from 1 to 27. Giving points to all the countries. The best song 27 and the worst just 1. That would be more representative and fair. This is the example of what would have happen this year on the final:


    What do you thing about this possibility?
  2. Anaconda I'm as sick as fuck.

    Moaning about results is human nature, and that won't change no matter what voting system is in place.
    Zuñir and Erixi like this.

    Basically, you can see that the top 7 would remain exactly the same with the Bild system. It only benefits/damages the ones below the top 10. A sore loser solution. Whatever system you come up with, Sweden would've won with Russia and Italy in some order behind it. No need to make it so complicated. 12, 10, 8-1, 50/50 and that's that.
  4. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    Meh. Bild's proposed system would only reward unobjectionable, middle of the road songs. Hardly what the contest needs given that we were knee-deep in DIRGE this year.
    Julio, adamacs and jw like this.
  5. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    I thing (sic) you posted it because it shows that Spain would have finished 11th under that alternative system.
    NickEmpel and Julio like this.
  6. Zuñir This is Janet, not me

    The top is the same, but not the rest. In esc all the positions have a value, it isnt the same be the last or be at the position 15.

    I have to say that I think that the spnish position was totally deserved as she wasnt able to controll her voice during the performance.

    I posted it because there is no real correspondence on some songs like Germany that was last.
  7. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    This proves you aren't really Spanish. All Spanish spammers guests agree that Edurne was totally top 5 material and her flop was an injustice. TODOS CON EDURNE!

    And Nathan is totally toxic.
    Nathan and Anaconda like this.
  8. Genesis2703 Pointless

    Unless I'm having a complete mental-meltdown I believe that this system presented is just the system the EBU released the 2013 results in terms of. As in when they did tele/jury splits they just gave an "average position" number. While this points system works the same (just ofc with combined results instead).

    Eh I'm not keen on the system, even on a purely show-based level it would be a really ugly way of showing results (even just announcing 25-26-27 would be weird).

    Don't think this change would be a step in the right direction. Think the main focus should be on jury-side. e.g. getting the jurors to look at the same performance we do, and expanding jury sizes (or possibly lowering jury % power), rather than just changing the scoring system.
    Zuñir and Jonny like this.

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