•   days until the Eurovision Song Contest Final in Basel!

Greece 2013


    Greece will once again have a national final. And it's not going to be in a mall.
    Despina Vandi (singer) and Giorgos Kapountzidis (actor) will host it, and the four acts with their song titles are:
    • Aggeliki Iliadi - Hilies Kai Mia Nihtes
    • Cosa Nostra ft. Agathonas - Alcohol Is Free
    • Alex Leon ft. Georgina - Angel
    • Thomai Apergi - One Last Kiss
    It seemed Cosa Nostra ft. Agathonas were the big favourites, because Agathonas is a huge name (if I understood correctly). However, this song title makes me doubt their role as favourites...
    Perhaps Aggeliki Illiadi is the front runner now with her Greek song?
  2. Julio STRANGLES

    Drink to forget the crisis, that will win :P
  3. Mina Member with a "past"

    That's what I think, too...also because Agathonas is very much on TV lately and because the song is the only ethnic one and we usually like ethnic.

    Here are the songs:

    Koza Mostra ft. Agathonas - Alcohol Is Free

    Aggeliki Illiadi - Hilies Kai Mia Nihtes

    Alex Leon ft. Georgina - Angel

    Thomai Apergi - One Last Kiss
  5. Mina Member with a "past"

    Alcohol is free is my preference...and my parents' too...I'm pretty sure it will go to Malmo. I also liked Thomai but that song has nothing Greek whatsoever. The other 2 I don't like, I find them boring.
  6. Julio STRANGLES

    I'm sorry but I HATE alcohol is free a mix of zdob si zdube, green jolly and lt united.
    My favourite would be Anggeliki
    Norbert likes this.
  7. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    I really don't like any of them. :(
    Norbert likes this.
  8. sokrates1988 I HATE EUROVISION

    Either of the 2 Greek songs would do me nicely
  9. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

  10. sokrates1988 I HATE EUROVISION

    not a fan of rrl :D
  11. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    you do it enough with our greek member though <<
  12. sokrates1988 I HATE EUROVISION

    i admit i get on well with Teodor :D
    Teodor likes this.

    I don't like any really. I didn't like Alcohol is Free when I heard it, but then i HATE Angel and One Last Kiss. Hilies Kai Mia Nihtes is less awful than the others.
    Norbert and sokrates1988 like this.
  14. Teodor Moderator

    I'm between 'One last kiss' and 'Alcohol is free'. one of them will take the golden ticket for Malmo. I hope! :)
    NickEmpel likes this.
  15. mrvirgo Active Member

    I liked none of these songs.
    Norbert and jw like this.
  16. Luis DLC I spread Eurovision joy in the US, oy

    In the end the winner was:
  17. Norbert Welcome

    what a terrible winner :(
    worst greek song :/ shame greece was one of my favourite countries
    sissel kvamme likes this.
  18. sokrates1988 I HATE EUROVISION

    Great song very different hope it do's well
    Teodor likes this.
  19. OskarEvansBaker New Member

    I don't really like it. I prefer the parts where the older guy sings. Less keen on the chorus.
    It almosts sounds like they sing ''alcoholics scream''.
    sissel kvamme likes this.
  20. Mina Member with a "past"

    Here are the results of the final:

    Cosa Mostra & Agathonas 48 %
    Thomai Apergi 20 %
    Georgina & Alex 18 %
    Aggeliki Iliadi 14 %

    Alcohol is free also won the jury vote.
    Teodor and sokrates1988 like this.

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