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Jury and Televoting split

  1. adamacs RUTH DAVIDSON FOR PM.

    What a disgusting Jury Vote - UK in 22nd?? At least azerbaijan won the televote. taken from http://www.eurovision.tv/page/news?id=36713&_t=ebu_reveals_split_televoting_and_jury_results


    1 Azerbaijan 223
    2 Sweden 221
    3 Greece 176
    4 Ukraine 168
    5 United Kingdom 166
    6 Bosnia & Herzegovina 151
    7 Georgia 138
    8 Russia 138
    9 Germany 113
    10 Ireland 101
    11 Italy 99
    12 Moldova 98
    13 Serbia 89
    14 Romania 79
    15 France 76
    16 Spain 73
    17 Hungary 64
    18 Denmark 61
    19 Iceland 60
    20 Lithuania 55
    21 Finland 47
    22 Slovenia 39
    23 Estonia 32
    24 Austria 25
    25 Switzerland 2

    Jury vote

    1 Italy 251
    2 Azerbaijan 182
    3 Denmark 168
    4 Slovenia 160
    5 Austria 145
    6 Ireland 119
    7 Ukraine 117
    8 Serbia 111
    9 Sweden 106
    10 Germany 104
    11 Bosnia & Herzegovina 90
    12 France 90
    13 Romania 86
    14 Greece 84
    15 Moldova 82
    16 Georgia 79
    17 Finland 75
    18 Estonia 74
    19 Iceland 72
    20 Lithuania 66
    21 Hungary 60
    22 United Kingdom 57
    23 Switzerland 53
    24 Spain 38
    25 Russia 25
  2. jw HI. I'M ADAM SCOTT.

    You are fuming aren't you BAS? :P
  3. adamacs RUTH DAVIDSON FOR PM.

  4. Semi One


    1. Greece 154
    2. Azerbaijan 124
    3. Finland 111
    4. Russia 93
    5. Georgia 90
    6. Iceland 79
    7. Armenia 75
    8. Hungary 73
    9. Norway 56
    10. Turkey 54

    11. Lithuania 52
    12. Switzerland 45
    13. Albania 42
    14. Serbia 42
    15. Portugal 39
    16. Croatia 32
    17. Poland 25
    18. Malta :turd: 24
    19. San Marino 8


    1. Lithuania 113
    2. Azerbaijan 109
    3. Iceland 104
    4. Serbia 102
    5. Finland 86
    6. Malta :turd: 84
    7. Switzerland 76
    8. Greece 74
    9. San Marino 74
    10. Hungary 65

    11. Albania 61
    12. Turkey 58
    13. Georgia 51
    14. Croatia 49
    15. Armenia 33
    16. Russia 31
    17. Norway 29
    18. Poland 13
    19. Portugal 6
  5. Semi Two


    1. Sweden 159
    2. Bosnia & Herzegovina 131
    3. Romania 121
    4. Denmark 115
    5. Ukraine 91
    6. Ireland 78
    7. Slovenia 68
    8. Moldova 61
    9. Belarus 54
    10. Austria 52

    11. Israel 51
    12. Belgium 50
    13. Estonia 46
    14. Latvia 43
    15. Bulgaria 43
    16. Slovakia 40
    17. FYR Macedonia 33
    18. Cyprus 23
    19. Holland 17


    1. Slovenia 146
    2. Denmark 129
    3. Sweden 99
    4. Austria 95
    5. Romania 85
    6. Estonia 83
    7. Ukraine 76
    8. Belgium 71
    9. Slovakia 71
    10. Ireland 66

    11. Bosnia & Herzegovina 65
    12. Bulgaria 59
    13. Moldova 53
    14. FYR Macedonia 47
    15. Belarus 38
    16. Israel 36
    17. Cyprus 24
    18. Holland 22
    19. Latvia 11
  6. Fuck you haters, you know nothing.

    Belarus forever :by:
  7. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    Abolish. Jury. Voting. Now.
    Scheeples likes this.
  8. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    Oh my word the Juries gave more points to Jedward than the public did. Now I can see why that bloke predicted the rapture.
  9. Mina Member with a "past"

    FFS, I'm MAD!

    I wish I had saved some chats 3 years ago, when I insisted that televoting WILL vote for a favourite song, no matter the country and that juries offer NOTHING and ppl said I said it because I wanted Greece to do better. But I didn't and now you see why (the younger ones..because older ones like me remember very well how the juries voted).

    The Uk and Switzerland were robbed.
  10. Mina Member with a "past"

    And btw, someone ask Terry Wogan his opinion on the results. I hold him responsible for the stupid idea that ppl don't vote for the Uk and only eastern countries do well in televoting and blah blah blah. I'd love to see what he would say now.
  11. NickEmpel BURGER AND FRIES

    I don't think these results are worth making a fuzz.
    Yes, there are some ridiculous results going on there, but at least we know a few things:
    - Running order does matter. Denmark and Finland, #1 and #3 in running order, suddenly failed on the televote. I heard a lot of people saying that it might even be an advantage? Well that is proven to be false now.
    - Russia is not automatically in the top 10 anymore. Juries killed them this time.
    I can't say I am unhappy with these results. Ok, UK was robbed. And not a little bit, but if Blue really fucked the jury rehearsal, who are we to judge the juries then? Personally, even though I loved 'I can', if they fucked their live performance, I wouldn't vote it!
    Surprising to me is that the juries had to save fan favourite Estonia.
    I am still 100% pro juries. Even if it was just for a feeling. And now don't start bitching that it's proven that it helps nothing, but if a person watches ESC and only even THINKS that the results are a bit fairer, it's a good thing. Maybe juries don't solve anything, but I think they should be there in 2012 as well.
  12. DJ Balkan Ramadanske♥

    Juries voted better than televoters, well in my opinion LOL
  13. CTP Jass hater

    Considering jw told me via MSN at the time Blue were shit at their rehearsal, it perhaps comes as no surprise they failed to impress. I think juries should judge the performance on the night though. Juries voted for some shit, televoters voted for some shit... maybe it all balances out in the end. The end result didn't change I suppose (i.e. Azerbaijan still won) so maybe none of it even matters. I think juries should remain in 2012.
  14. Mina Member with a "past"

    Saying Blue weren't good in the rehearsal means nothing. Anna Rossinelli was great in her rehearsal and look what they gave her.
  15. Julio STRANGLES

    jury are good, they made us boom boom chaka chaka free this time, and also give other countries chances, if it was televote only we would see almost always the same countries on top or in final witch ever s*it they send. we still have that (greece) but its less then before okay jury made some bad picks like malta beeing so high and serbia and uk so low, but then again they made us an armenia turkey free zone and saved lithuania swiss on the semi final for exemple. made russia flop even though i liked their song its just a way to see that jury can influence the voting and make the usual top countries flop, italy was other mistake, but its a more fair result, probably would be better if they judged on the esc night and not on the previous night, but we cant judge their votes when after all they didnt judge what we saw but some other performance
    Merjan and NickEmpel like this.
  16. Mina Member with a "past"

    When 8/10 countries of the top 10 are the same with juries/televoting (exactly like 2009 and 2010) and on the other hand I see my favourites, like Spain last year and Uk this year being screwed, I seriously can't say that I see anything good with juries.
  17. Julio STRANGLES

    seriously spain last year, ew, and yes 8/10 countries are the same but then again if you looked to semis you will see how jury influenced, belarus, turkey, armenia, norway, saving lithuania serbia (mistake) swiss and estonia
    NickEmpel likes this.
  18. Jonny Ginger Tory Witch

    Two things.

    1. In the televoting Sweden only being 2 points behind Azerbaijan is quite incredible when you consider that Sweden performed very early on and Azerbaijan very late. Had they swapped singing positions I'm 100% sure Sweden would have won the televote. Either way it doesn't matter, and I think Azerbaijan sent a more worthy song in any case, but it's weird to think that the effect that the running order had.

    2. I don't think the point of the juries is so much to produce radically different results to the televoting. In fact that's probably the worst possible thing that could happen, but I think they're there to simply make the points a little less predictable on the night i.e I remember in 2008 I could guess 90% of 8, 10's and 12 points whereas that simply isn't the case anymore, primarily down to jury voting

    Either way I'm happy with the jury vote this year. I actually prefer their top 10 anyway (Not that that's my justification for the juries existence).

    Ooh, Mina you're surprising me...not about your views on juries, but because I'd always thought you were really young!:cool:

    I'm with Nick and Julio. I think the juries should vote on the performance on the night, not on a different performance that we don't see. Maybe they take away that holier than thou "we wus robbed" element. It used to be that I could usually come up with a reason why a particular country had won, even if it was only that all their neighbours had voted for them; now it's not so easy. Azerbaijan was an OK song. Not the best, but certainly not the worst and, IMO, we have have some pretty rank winners. (While 'Satellite' wasn't rank, I can still see absolutely no reason whatsoever why that won last year:devil:) Maybe Azerbaijan was the least worst for many people or, at least, the most acceptable.

    I still can't see what so many people have got against Italy. Julio's contention that the jury vote was a mistake is, IMO, slightly overcooking it; it's not as if Italy was right down the bottom with the televoters. But, as Switzerland fared so badly with both the juries and the televoters in the final, maybe it was a mistake of the juries to save them in the semi. And again, whether we liked the song or not, the discrepancy over Russia is quite startling. Maybe it's the juries who are now voting politically rather than the masses.

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